Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Greece "unoffical" Flower question: Please tell me what flower you would like to best represent Greece?

Hi everyone.

I need your advice and your blessing on a decision that I have to make.

Thanks to the wonderful members here. I have learned that Greece does not have a "national" flower. That does not mean that I should leave a BLANK space for Greece in my blog. :((

So please tell me what FLOWER or flowering plant that you feel is best for Greece. It must grow there, that is the only requirement that I ask. The flower or plant that is mention the most will be the one chosen.

[For those who do not know where this questions came from here is were it all started];...

Thank you in advance :)))
Greece "unoffical" Flower question: Please tell me what flower you would like to best represent Greece?
The smell of flowers in Greece in everywhere. I agree with the others that answered jasmine, that's true its a very common flower in Greece. But what almost every house has is Vasilikos. It smell perfect, and it is not the flower that has the smell but the leaves. But it makes flowers too. So you can call it a flower. Every house in the country, or at the balconies of the cities is most probable to find a pot with Vasilikos inside. I am not sure of the name in english, this is the Greek name of it, but if it was up to me to decide.... I would definitely have chosen that. I hope I helped
Reply:It would be the honeysuckle and moonflower.These flowers grow everywhere and everyone appreciates their fine aroma and beauty.
Reply:Greece 'IS' a flower, so it is very difficult to make a choice amongst all flowers I have seen.. and those I hope to see in the nearby holidays.

However, for the flower and the meaning of the name towards Greece, this is my favorite. I found it on the small island of Kythera.. the Sempreviva little beauty

I enjoy this exchange of ideas on flowers of Greece; and I love olives, but then again olive trees are spread all over the Med.. and I do not consider them a flower... ever smelled the blossom of the the oranges in south-east Peloponnese mid-May?.. they are unique..
Reply:There is no doubt that the plant that most refpresents Greece is the Olive tree. Sorry you're right there is no flower, just the twig with a few olive leaves and an olive!
Reply:The olive tree.
Reply:The flower of Greece should be the jasmine. I love walking in Greece and smelling that scent in the most unexpected places. The aroma is intoxicating.
Reply:Greece does have national flower......It is the violet........

Some of the replies on the original question were correct, and yes the Greek for the plant is Ion (like the chocolate!) and from Ion we get Ionia!
Reply:Jasmine or violets. Certainly. I long to smell them in the Spring.
Reply:There are only national leafs.

Greece has a national bird, it's the double headed eagle!

Edit: ok then, unoffically speaking I chose the opium because we use to export it in antiquity.

Edit2: I agree with dvatwork about the jasmine.
Reply:As far as I know the Olive tree is the most characteristic plant of Greece however the Oleander -Ltn: Nerium oleander- Gr:Pikrothaphni- is also a very characteristic flower. You see it every where and it was used to crow artists in the Artistic Games in ancient Greece.
Reply:~That would be the olive tree,our national treausure~

The Greeks regard the olive tree as a symbol of euphoria, purification, victory and honor. The foliage of the olive tree has been used for centuries to honor victory, wisdom and peace. In Genesis, an olive branch was returned to Noah on the ark by a dove, signaling the end of the great flood. The Olympic Games winners in ancient Greece were given olive-wreaths from Kroneio as trophies. The olive and its oil have always engaged the intellect, the senses and the passions of the Greek world for the past four thousand years. Olive oil always held a sacred place in the solemn rites of the Greek religious life. The ancient Greek gods were believed to be born under the branches of the olive tree. In Modern Greek Orthodox religion, spiritually purifying olive oil has a myriad of uses, from baptisms to the illumination of church and shrine lamps throughout the Greek world. Greeks say, "We ate bread and olives together" to denote a good friendship. Today there are more than 686,000 olive producers in Greece (representing 6.5% of the total population) who care for more than 137 million olive trees. The olive is so much a part of the culture that today Greece is the only country in Europe that still allows its civil servants time off to return to their villages of origin for the annual olive harvest~
Reply:Chamomile is a very common flower and makes a very therapeutic drink we all drunk growing up when sick.

Another one is the poppy. I will always remember the fields covered with red poppiesmakeup tips

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