Saturday, October 24, 2009

Flower Girl Stories?

My friends and I were talking one day at lunch about flower girl stories. It seemed that all of us had something to say about our past experiences as a flower girl. Do you guys have some "lol moments" as a flower girl? I would tell you mine, but i dont think i have enough space... :P
Flower Girl Stories?
I was a flower girl twice. Once when I was 4 and once when I was five.

The only memory I have is that I loved my dress and had to wear it for months after wards. It was pink and white with lots of frills. One of the weddings was in June and I have a picture of myself wearing it in December for Christmas :o) I think I must've thought I was beautiful! lol

good question, makes me smile
Reply:I was never a flower girl personally but I thought the story from my parents wedding was kinda funny. They didn't have a flower girl but they had my cousin as their "junior bride". She walked the whole way down the aisle with her tongue hanging out.
Reply:this question makes me nervous, my oldest son is getting married in June, my 4 year old triplets (two girls and one boy)

are going to be the flower tossers, they have been practicing around the house now for a couple of weeks, but who knows what will happen that day.
Reply:O come on, we want to hear your story!

I was a flower girl twice. Before I was one for my oldest sister's wedding, she said I could only be in that position if I stopped walking pigeon-toed!

I was 8. I had to practice for hours and hours on the tiled floor in our rumpus room, lining up my feet properly. So, yes, I did it - and got to wear the cool pink satin gown and pink shoes with big flowers on them! I looked gorgeous and walked properly!
Reply:I was a flower girl in my aunts wedding. I had the flu really bad and my mom said that she was praying that wouldn't puke as I was walking down the aisle. When I got up front I kept wanting to sit down and put my basket down. My mom kept saying to me stand up and hold the basket but I would stand and then sit back down. When my aunt got married she said that I had to give up my blankie so she threw it into the hotel trash can assuming that she would pull it out after the reception. Maid service came through and took out the trash with my blankie before we came back to the room. So I was so upset and crying that I didn't have it so my dad went dumpster diving to find my blankie for me! Yeah! We still have it today!
Reply:I was a flower girl with my sister. We were really good kids growing up so we never did anything too crazy, but there was another little girl who was a flower girl with us at my aunts fisrt wedding. It was a catholic ceremony so she had the big, gorgeous white dress with the HUGE train. The little girl crawled under my aunts dress and yelled "wow, its like a tent in here!!!" then she popped out and pulled the ring bearer in with her. My poor aunt!!
Reply:never had a flower girl but our kids' weddings:

one flower girl was only two and believe it or not after much practising was perfect walking down the aisle, held her flower basket just right, and was the cutest little tyke you have ever seen. she got to the alter, turned around and curtsied to the 'audience' and was a perfect angel.

second wedding: flower girl was five, everything was fine til she saw the ring bearer. apparently at the rehearsal the night before he tried to kiss her, [he was four], and she was quite annoyed with him but mummy stepped in and told her to behave. sadly during the wedding procession mummy couldn't get to the front of the church quick enough to stop her little angel from jumping the poor boy, sitting on him and pummelling him unmercifully! he was howling, she was yelling 'don't kiss me anymore' and the guests were on the floor laughing their butts off! their wedding photos show the ring bearer with a bloody lip, and black eye. the flower girl with her dress all bloody and her curls all askew, and the rest of the bridal party with great smirks on their faces!

third wedding: flower girl is three, does everything perfectly fine til the preacher starts the service. for some unknown reason the child then decided she should sing a song. she wouldn't stop and finally her dad had to carry her out all the while her screaming at the top of her lungs that she hadn't finished her song.

last but not least was the flower girl in our wild child's wedding who decided half way down the aisle that her tights 'itched' her and she plunked her tiny little butt down on the floor and proceeded to strip! well, i have to tell you, it was hilarious and when people started laughing at the sight she scolded them for being rude!

i have to tell you, no wedding is complete without a child! they bring such laughter and joy into the day and even though sometimes its embarassing - everyone gets such a kick out of their antics!
Reply:I was so nervous when I was the flower girl in my sister's wedding that all the pictures taken of me the basket is blurry because my hands were shaking so hard. Someone should have told me it was going to be ok.
Reply:At my first wedding my 3 year old flower girl stole the show. She kept tipping her flower basket upside down all the way up the aisle and when the flowers fell out she said a loud "woopsie" and had to pick up the flowers.

Then when we got out the front she starts picking people out of the crowd "Oh look! there's grandma...Hello grandma" waving frantically "Auntie Jo...hello auntie jo, look at me dont I look pretty?" "Hello, hello everyone" Waving all the time. Then in a very loud voice...."Mummy....I need to go Pee" So a very red faced Mum had to get up and sneak to the side, grab the flowergirl and take her to the toilet. Everyone was laughing so much it was hard to get on with the wedding.

Oh and at my nieces wedding the flowergirl was so nervous she kept puking before the wedding and after the ceremony had to run outside and puke in the church garden. EEEEWwww.

I am having two flowergirls in my july wedding. Hope they behave :-(books authors

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