Sunday, October 11, 2009

Flower help?

we have a flower garden out front, and the flowers we have, the leaves are starting to turn yellow. they need full sun, and we have gotten lots of rain, about 3 times this week. we live in texas, but it hasnt been in the record highs or anything. a lot of people have the same flowers, but theirs are still nice. what do i do to keep the leaves green and healthy, should i water them some more, or put fresh fertalizer on them?

im sorry i dont know what type of flowers they are, but if you could still help me that would be great.

thanks in advance
Flower help?
Awfully hard to answer a question about flowers if you don't know what they are. But since you said they were turning yellow they might be in need of iron. I would buy a iron supplement and give them a dose. If the ground is too wet from the rain it could be that too, that they are overwatered especially if your ground is a clay material and doesn't drain well. Also check them closely and see if they might have an insect attacking them. Good luck!
Reply:where do u live in texas?i would think fresh fertilizer.i know almost didly squat about flowers.
Reply:you cant stop the rain try some hosta and some have flowers,try some miracle growgenealogy mormon

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