currently i'm carry out a project on Antioxidative and radical-scavenging activities of plant extracts in different flower's colour varieties. i would like to know is there any relationship between flower colour (white, red, orange, etc) and their antioxidant capacity?
is yes, what type of flower colour will show higher antioxidative activity, and which one show lowest?
by the way, can i have some scientific literatures about the effect of flower coloour on antioxidative activity..
thank you.
Effect of flower colour on antioxidative activity?
idk.....sorrybooks authors
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Flower centerpieces?
Does anyone know how to make the paper flower centerpieces seen on the 'Engaged and Underage' episode where the bride worked with her mother at the scrapbook store? I know it involved folding scrapbook papers and cutting rounded shapes, but i cant find any directions anywhere
Flower centerpieces?
While I am not exactly sure what flower arrangement you are speaking of, I have seen some really adorable arrangements made with the QuicKutz brands die cutting system. The flowers cut with their Revolution Machine are PERFECT for centerpeices and gifts. Check out their website for more ideas Hope this helps!
Reply:Put oragami flowers into your search and there are many sites will come up for you to check out. Also look to the right side and you should see this:
Oragami Cranes
Chinese Origami
Make Origami Things
Origami for Beginners
Basic Origami
Free Origami Designs
Steps to Make a Paper Rose
Ways to Fold Notes
Expand Your Search
Origami Folding Instructions
Easy Origami
Origami Flowers
Easy Origami Diagrams
Simple Origami
Money Origami
I think you will find what you are looking for here. note that the word is spelled two different ways.make up
Flower centerpieces?
While I am not exactly sure what flower arrangement you are speaking of, I have seen some really adorable arrangements made with the QuicKutz brands die cutting system. The flowers cut with their Revolution Machine are PERFECT for centerpeices and gifts. Check out their website for more ideas Hope this helps!
Reply:Put oragami flowers into your search and there are many sites will come up for you to check out. Also look to the right side and you should see this:
Oragami Cranes
Chinese Origami
Make Origami Things
Origami for Beginners
Basic Origami
Free Origami Designs
Steps to Make a Paper Rose
Ways to Fold Notes
Expand Your Search
Origami Folding Instructions
Easy Origami
Origami Flowers
Easy Origami Diagrams
Simple Origami
Money Origami
I think you will find what you are looking for here. note that the word is spelled two different ways.make up
I already have a flower bed in my yard and want to plant flowers. What do I do?
The flower bed is just filled up with dirt, weeds, and little pcs of rock. First I need to clean it out I guess but do I use the dirt that's already in there or do put soil down? If you want to know, I live in Charlotte, NC (Zone 7). I want to plant perennial flowers. I'm new to gardening and want to know how prepare the flower bed, what type of soil I need (if necessary) and any tips on types of flowers to plant. Thanks alot!
I already have a flower bed in my yard and want to plant flowers. What do I do?
Start by amending the soil.
Soil by analogy: As we require food to support us so do plants. Our digestive system works to break down dinner to supply the basic units that will become us structurally, and provide energy, so soil acts to feed plants. Soil requires a steady supply of organic mater to support the worms and micro-organisms, which digest the organics into available plant nutrients. Then just as we take vitamins to complement our diet we can give plants trace minerals and other supplements but these are no substitute for the staple of organic matter to feed the plants. Balance and moderation are key.
You can do a visual soil survey by digging a small hole. First look at the hole and take some soil in hand. Check your soil's texture by picking up a handful and squeeze gently: If it feels sticky and stays in a tight mass, your soil is likely too high in clay. If it feels harsh or gritty and won't hold any shape or crumbles it is likely too high in sand. If it feels smooth or floury and won't hold any shape, it's likely too high in silt. If it molds into your hand yet crumbles apart when squeezed, it has the perfect texture. It is loam.
If it formed a sticky ball try to squeeze it upward to form a ribbon. Measure the length of the ribbon. Now wet the soil in your palm til muddy. Rub the soil against your palm with your other fingertips. Is it smooth, gritty or both?
1” gritty ribbon is sandy loam
1” smooth ribbon is silty loam
1” both is loam
1-2” gritty ribbon is sandy clay loam
1-2” smooth ribbon is silty clay loam
1-2” both is clay loam
GT 2” gritty ribbon is sandy clay
GT 2” smooth ribbon is silty clay
GT 2” both is clay
Amounts and Specifications: To make a significant change in your garden soil, an amendment must equal at least one-third of the volume of the soil you are amending.
For clay soils: the goal is to improve soil aggregation, increase porosity and permeability, and improve aeration and drainage. For example, to amend a garden to a depth of 1 foot, you need to add one-third of a foot (4 inches) of material.
*3 to 6 inches of organic material dug in 9 to 18 inches
*Perlite or pumice 5-25% of amendment
*Coarse sand 5-25% of amendment
For sandy soils: the goal is to increase the soil's ability to hold moisture and store nutrients.
*4 to 8 inches of organic material dug in 12 to 24 inches
*Vermiculite 5-25% of amendment
For both soils:
*Fertilizer - the type and amount of fertilizer to use CAN be determined by a soil test. Fertilizer comes in various forms (pellets, powder, liquid) and many nutrient ratios. If you add all the organics suggested above you can suppose a balanced organic like Whitney Farm rose and flower food 4-6-2 will be enough.
Design pointers for making garden pictures
Don't create fruit salad -- Without a focal point, there is nothing upon which your eye can rest. I suggest taking a black-and-white photo of the garden, because this lets you see form instead of color. It will be easier then to discover where you need to include an important feature. Take pictures as if from the house and towards favorite views. No favorites, then with an eye to creating a vista within your garden.
Use a strong evergreen element for year-round interest -- Outside the family room window, try copper or colorful clay pots to represent the "evergreen" element, and the seasonal plantings around them become "moments of glory." Evergreens can include ground covers like Acaena inermis, conifers that never reach 3 feet tall, or a trellis displaying a winter clematis as backdrop. Try an evergreen rhododendron, with hydrangea and seasonal bulbs like tulips, then allium and calla lilies.
Think in threes -- Each plant combination should use these three attributes: vertical, round and spiky. The contrast adds interest to even the smallest garden. Vertical can be the tall Daffodil arising from a bed of Wall Rock Cress with the daffodils orange center matched to the mounding primroses color. The tall waving lines of Feather Reed grass 'Overdam, with Heuchera 'Pewter Vail', and the round solidity of Bergenia.
Play to your strengths -- Choose plants with which you enjoy working. Intermingle plants with scented foliage to ambush you with their presence while simply weeding among them. Choose a play of color that reminds you of a favorite place. Cool blues to greens or flamboyant golds and oranges, vary the shape but stick with a color. Yucca 'Gold Sword' with Coleus 'Pineapple Queen' or Hakone grass with Hosta 'Sun Power'.
Be as organic as possible -- Lots of compost and thoughtful choice and placement are keys to organic gardening. "This is your chance to protect a small part of our planet."
Imagine looking out at the winter garden. Remember, the entire mood changes with the season. As the large vine maple (Acer circinatum) outside the window unfurls its leaves, the room takes on a decidedly spring green feel, while autumn turns the room warm with tones of orange and red.
Questions to ask yourself
Is a particular style of garden desired? Formal, informal, scented, night flowering for evening use, cottage style for growing herbs or vegetables as well as flowers?
What time of day is your garden most used, and by whom?
Will it be used year round or on summer weekends only?
How much time and energy will be available for maintenance?
Is there a particular view or landscape feature you like?
Is it visible from the house while seated?
Is it visible from a possible bench site in the garden?
Do you like what your windows frame?
To choose the right plant for the right place visit your local gardens. Lucky you to live in a state with such a choice of botanical gardens. The North Carolina Botanical Garden is one of the finest in the country and they have lists of plants. The Garden Club of North Carolina %26amp; the botanical garden cosponsor North Carolina Wildflower of the Year program as well as sponsoring many garden talks. It is well over an hours drive from you but would be worth the trip.
But you have three much closer to visit; Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden
UNC-Charlotte Botanical Garden,
and Wing Haven Garden and Bird Sanctuary
248 Ridgewood Avenue (off Selwyn Avenue)
Charlotte, NC 28209-1632
Reply:you know seeds? ok well you put them in the ground.... yay!
Reply:First you have to do is take the weeds out then level the dirt to your liking. You don't need to take out the little rocks, you can even put them on top of the dirt to be part of the garden itself. You don't even need to put a new top soil you can use the existing dirt.
Second, you go about and pick the flowers you like. At zone 7 you have a lot of choices for perennials. Check its instructions if it fits your garden location.
Lastly, as a starter gardener you can check this site and decide for yourself what methods you'll use. ( good luck.
Reply:Take care of existing weeds first. Then you can either use the dirt that's there, or go get bags of garden soil (organic if you can) to top dress the soil with. Go to the local nursery for your plants, they can help pick out what you want. When planting, put the tallest growers in the back, shortest in the front. Mulch the beds to keep weeds at a minimum, and water daily until the plants are established and you can cut back. You can jazz it up by mixing in annuals for seasonal colors and variety. If you have a bed close to the house, intersperse cooking herbs such as basil, oregano, rosemary, and whatever else you want for fresh herbs all summer...remove flowers as they appear and at the end of the summer you can dry the rest for fresh dried organic herbs during the winter.
Reply:Clean out the garden of weeds and rocks. Then, dig small holes where you want the flowers and mix regular dirt with some topsoil. Then, put some of the mixture down, put the seed in, and cover it with the rest of the topsoil. If you don't want a seed, just use a pre-done flower. Your local flower shop manager should be able to help you choose which flowers.
Make sure your flower garden is watered regularly stays weed-free!
Reply:You didn't say how large of a bed you had. I would remove as many weeds as possible. Spread several bags of pine bark mulch over the area. Till and mix well with the soil. Wait a week or so and till again to remove any weeds you may have missed. Plant your flowers in the usual way. If you are using potted plants, apply root stimulator at the time of planting (available at your garden center). Carefully and lightly cultivate between plants with a hoe or rake periodically to keep weeds down.make up
I already have a flower bed in my yard and want to plant flowers. What do I do?
Start by amending the soil.
Soil by analogy: As we require food to support us so do plants. Our digestive system works to break down dinner to supply the basic units that will become us structurally, and provide energy, so soil acts to feed plants. Soil requires a steady supply of organic mater to support the worms and micro-organisms, which digest the organics into available plant nutrients. Then just as we take vitamins to complement our diet we can give plants trace minerals and other supplements but these are no substitute for the staple of organic matter to feed the plants. Balance and moderation are key.
You can do a visual soil survey by digging a small hole. First look at the hole and take some soil in hand. Check your soil's texture by picking up a handful and squeeze gently: If it feels sticky and stays in a tight mass, your soil is likely too high in clay. If it feels harsh or gritty and won't hold any shape or crumbles it is likely too high in sand. If it feels smooth or floury and won't hold any shape, it's likely too high in silt. If it molds into your hand yet crumbles apart when squeezed, it has the perfect texture. It is loam.
If it formed a sticky ball try to squeeze it upward to form a ribbon. Measure the length of the ribbon. Now wet the soil in your palm til muddy. Rub the soil against your palm with your other fingertips. Is it smooth, gritty or both?
1” gritty ribbon is sandy loam
1” smooth ribbon is silty loam
1” both is loam
1-2” gritty ribbon is sandy clay loam
1-2” smooth ribbon is silty clay loam
1-2” both is clay loam
GT 2” gritty ribbon is sandy clay
GT 2” smooth ribbon is silty clay
GT 2” both is clay
Amounts and Specifications: To make a significant change in your garden soil, an amendment must equal at least one-third of the volume of the soil you are amending.
For clay soils: the goal is to improve soil aggregation, increase porosity and permeability, and improve aeration and drainage. For example, to amend a garden to a depth of 1 foot, you need to add one-third of a foot (4 inches) of material.
*3 to 6 inches of organic material dug in 9 to 18 inches
*Perlite or pumice 5-25% of amendment
*Coarse sand 5-25% of amendment
For sandy soils: the goal is to increase the soil's ability to hold moisture and store nutrients.
*4 to 8 inches of organic material dug in 12 to 24 inches
*Vermiculite 5-25% of amendment
For both soils:
*Fertilizer - the type and amount of fertilizer to use CAN be determined by a soil test. Fertilizer comes in various forms (pellets, powder, liquid) and many nutrient ratios. If you add all the organics suggested above you can suppose a balanced organic like Whitney Farm rose and flower food 4-6-2 will be enough.
Design pointers for making garden pictures
Don't create fruit salad -- Without a focal point, there is nothing upon which your eye can rest. I suggest taking a black-and-white photo of the garden, because this lets you see form instead of color. It will be easier then to discover where you need to include an important feature. Take pictures as if from the house and towards favorite views. No favorites, then with an eye to creating a vista within your garden.
Use a strong evergreen element for year-round interest -- Outside the family room window, try copper or colorful clay pots to represent the "evergreen" element, and the seasonal plantings around them become "moments of glory." Evergreens can include ground covers like Acaena inermis, conifers that never reach 3 feet tall, or a trellis displaying a winter clematis as backdrop. Try an evergreen rhododendron, with hydrangea and seasonal bulbs like tulips, then allium and calla lilies.
Think in threes -- Each plant combination should use these three attributes: vertical, round and spiky. The contrast adds interest to even the smallest garden. Vertical can be the tall Daffodil arising from a bed of Wall Rock Cress with the daffodils orange center matched to the mounding primroses color. The tall waving lines of Feather Reed grass 'Overdam, with Heuchera 'Pewter Vail', and the round solidity of Bergenia.
Play to your strengths -- Choose plants with which you enjoy working. Intermingle plants with scented foliage to ambush you with their presence while simply weeding among them. Choose a play of color that reminds you of a favorite place. Cool blues to greens or flamboyant golds and oranges, vary the shape but stick with a color. Yucca 'Gold Sword' with Coleus 'Pineapple Queen' or Hakone grass with Hosta 'Sun Power'.
Be as organic as possible -- Lots of compost and thoughtful choice and placement are keys to organic gardening. "This is your chance to protect a small part of our planet."
Imagine looking out at the winter garden. Remember, the entire mood changes with the season. As the large vine maple (Acer circinatum) outside the window unfurls its leaves, the room takes on a decidedly spring green feel, while autumn turns the room warm with tones of orange and red.
Questions to ask yourself
Is a particular style of garden desired? Formal, informal, scented, night flowering for evening use, cottage style for growing herbs or vegetables as well as flowers?
What time of day is your garden most used, and by whom?
Will it be used year round or on summer weekends only?
How much time and energy will be available for maintenance?
Is there a particular view or landscape feature you like?
Is it visible from the house while seated?
Is it visible from a possible bench site in the garden?
Do you like what your windows frame?
To choose the right plant for the right place visit your local gardens. Lucky you to live in a state with such a choice of botanical gardens. The North Carolina Botanical Garden is one of the finest in the country and they have lists of plants. The Garden Club of North Carolina %26amp; the botanical garden cosponsor North Carolina Wildflower of the Year program as well as sponsoring many garden talks. It is well over an hours drive from you but would be worth the trip.
But you have three much closer to visit; Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden
UNC-Charlotte Botanical Garden,
and Wing Haven Garden and Bird Sanctuary
248 Ridgewood Avenue (off Selwyn Avenue)
Charlotte, NC 28209-1632
Reply:you know seeds? ok well you put them in the ground.... yay!
Reply:First you have to do is take the weeds out then level the dirt to your liking. You don't need to take out the little rocks, you can even put them on top of the dirt to be part of the garden itself. You don't even need to put a new top soil you can use the existing dirt.
Second, you go about and pick the flowers you like. At zone 7 you have a lot of choices for perennials. Check its instructions if it fits your garden location.
Lastly, as a starter gardener you can check this site and decide for yourself what methods you'll use. ( good luck.
Reply:Take care of existing weeds first. Then you can either use the dirt that's there, or go get bags of garden soil (organic if you can) to top dress the soil with. Go to the local nursery for your plants, they can help pick out what you want. When planting, put the tallest growers in the back, shortest in the front. Mulch the beds to keep weeds at a minimum, and water daily until the plants are established and you can cut back. You can jazz it up by mixing in annuals for seasonal colors and variety. If you have a bed close to the house, intersperse cooking herbs such as basil, oregano, rosemary, and whatever else you want for fresh herbs all summer...remove flowers as they appear and at the end of the summer you can dry the rest for fresh dried organic herbs during the winter.
Reply:Clean out the garden of weeds and rocks. Then, dig small holes where you want the flowers and mix regular dirt with some topsoil. Then, put some of the mixture down, put the seed in, and cover it with the rest of the topsoil. If you don't want a seed, just use a pre-done flower. Your local flower shop manager should be able to help you choose which flowers.
Make sure your flower garden is watered regularly stays weed-free!
Reply:You didn't say how large of a bed you had. I would remove as many weeds as possible. Spread several bags of pine bark mulch over the area. Till and mix well with the soil. Wait a week or so and till again to remove any weeds you may have missed. Plant your flowers in the usual way. If you are using potted plants, apply root stimulator at the time of planting (available at your garden center). Carefully and lightly cultivate between plants with a hoe or rake periodically to keep weeds down.make up
A girls (flower?) name?
i need several flower names for girls for a story I'm writing.
the main character is named Lily Evans. a middle name for Lily would be apreciated (also flower. every girl in her family has a flower name.).
all of the characters are 17 and were born in the early 60's (so it takes place in 1977 or 78 in britan.
all of Lily's best friends go to the same boarding school as her and they have a sort of club beacause they all have flower names.
if you have any idea what this club should be called, let me know.
A girls (flower?) name?
This is probably really nerdy of me, but isn't Lily Evans the name of Harry Potter's mother?
Anyway, it would still be a great character name. I love someone else's suggestion of Lily Susanna, it sounds very 60's free love kind of thing lol.
Her friends could be: Violet, Dahlia, Marigold, Rose, Bluebell (another really hippie name lol), Fern (she could be the quiet one), Linnea (the exotic one, Linnea means lime tree), Azalea, Daisy, Poppy, Camilla (very British), Florrie / Flora, Hazel (Zel), Ginger, Heather, Holly, Ivy, Iris, Wisteria, Willow, Zinnia, Sorrel, Sage, Saffron, Pansy, Magnolia, May, Laurel, Juniper, Jasmine, etc. Well, obviously not all of them, but those are some options for you lol.
Since these girls are born in the early 60's, some of them could have zanier names, if their parents were all into hippies and stuff, like Bluebell or Juniper, or they could just be well and proper British people (they can afford to send their daughters to a boarding school after all lol) and so some could have names like Camilla or Rose.
As for the name of their club, it could be something really upfront like something Garden-related, or they could just be really wacky friends and pick something totally insane and irrelevant lol just to confuse people.
Good luck writing!!
Reply:So you need a 7 flower names, right? I think I understand what you are looking for. :)
Lily Violet Daisy Zinnia Rose Iris Flora Lilac Poppy Petunia
Some possible combinations:
Lily Rose Evans
Flora Zinnia Parkhurst
Daisy Iris Potter
Violet Petunia Kerrigan
I would name their club something like:
The Bouquet
Watering Cans
Good Luck with your book! SD
Reply:Lily Rose Evans sounds so pretty.
other flower names:
im not sure about what to call it..maybe something like In Bloom or something...or...girl flower (like girl power) or flower power (lol)
Reply:Lily in Harry Potter? Ick. Choose a diff. last name
Reply:Not that this helps you at all, but my daughter's name is Lily Rose Evans, so that is my vote.
(And for the other Harry Potter fans, my son's name is James...)
Reply:Daisy, Orchid, Tulips, Canna, Jasmine, Oleander
Reply:Lily Rose Iris Poppy Aster Gerbera Primrose Petunia Violet Tulip Fuscia Hiacynth Pansy Lilac Marigold Verbina Sweetpea Daisy Buttercup Honeysuckle Clematis
Maybe get away with Ivy Heather Petal Fleur
Reply:I love flower names!
Lily Susanna Evans would be perfect. Susanna means "lily or rose" in Hebrew.
Other flower names:
Reply:Daisy, Rose, Blossom
Reply:Here's a few off the top of my head. Visit the site below for more.
Pansy, Narcissa, Daisy, Iolanthe, Iris, Petunia, Poppy, Rose, Violet, Clover, and Dahlia
Reply:Lily, Rose, Daisy, Daphadile,
Reply:i have a friend who's name is scarlet rose. (first and last)
thats really pretty, so i'd go with that.
some other ones are, daisy and violet.
the club could be like, flower power.
really corny, but i guess it fits the 60's.
i hope you like those. :]
Reply:Lily Rose Evans
Lily variations like Lilliana, Lillian
Rose- variations like Rosemary, Rosalie, Rosa,Rosabelle
Winter Lilly
I forget the name but you know that plant or like red leafed sorta flower people have for christmas? that one
some names for the group can be
like if there were 5 or however many number of girls than you can do Flower Five
Or you could have 6 characters each starting with a letter from the word flower. than you could name them F.,L.O.W.E.R
Flower Gals
The Florists
The Flowers
Those are some common flower names.
As for the club, why not The Garden Club?
Reply:lilly, orchid, daisy, calla (as in calla lilly), rose, violet, ivy (plant),
tulip,...have you tried looking up the spanish or french names for these flowers and using them as names....
the club could be called: the garden, band of flowers, mornings' glory, or the power of flowers (corny right?).
-hbb (also a writer)
Saffron - not a flower but close enough
Sage - not a flower but close enough
Reply:rose carnation lily sunflowerskin disease
the main character is named Lily Evans. a middle name for Lily would be apreciated (also flower. every girl in her family has a flower name.).
all of the characters are 17 and were born in the early 60's (so it takes place in 1977 or 78 in britan.
all of Lily's best friends go to the same boarding school as her and they have a sort of club beacause they all have flower names.
if you have any idea what this club should be called, let me know.
A girls (flower?) name?
This is probably really nerdy of me, but isn't Lily Evans the name of Harry Potter's mother?
Anyway, it would still be a great character name. I love someone else's suggestion of Lily Susanna, it sounds very 60's free love kind of thing lol.
Her friends could be: Violet, Dahlia, Marigold, Rose, Bluebell (another really hippie name lol), Fern (she could be the quiet one), Linnea (the exotic one, Linnea means lime tree), Azalea, Daisy, Poppy, Camilla (very British), Florrie / Flora, Hazel (Zel), Ginger, Heather, Holly, Ivy, Iris, Wisteria, Willow, Zinnia, Sorrel, Sage, Saffron, Pansy, Magnolia, May, Laurel, Juniper, Jasmine, etc. Well, obviously not all of them, but those are some options for you lol.
Since these girls are born in the early 60's, some of them could have zanier names, if their parents were all into hippies and stuff, like Bluebell or Juniper, or they could just be well and proper British people (they can afford to send their daughters to a boarding school after all lol) and so some could have names like Camilla or Rose.
As for the name of their club, it could be something really upfront like something Garden-related, or they could just be really wacky friends and pick something totally insane and irrelevant lol just to confuse people.
Good luck writing!!
Reply:So you need a 7 flower names, right? I think I understand what you are looking for. :)
Lily Violet Daisy Zinnia Rose Iris Flora Lilac Poppy Petunia
Some possible combinations:
Lily Rose Evans
Flora Zinnia Parkhurst
Daisy Iris Potter
Violet Petunia Kerrigan
I would name their club something like:
The Bouquet
Watering Cans
Good Luck with your book! SD
Reply:Lily Rose Evans sounds so pretty.
other flower names:
im not sure about what to call it..maybe something like In Bloom or something...or...girl flower (like girl power) or flower power (lol)
Reply:Lily in Harry Potter? Ick. Choose a diff. last name
Reply:Not that this helps you at all, but my daughter's name is Lily Rose Evans, so that is my vote.
(And for the other Harry Potter fans, my son's name is James...)
Reply:Daisy, Orchid, Tulips, Canna, Jasmine, Oleander
Reply:Lily Rose Iris Poppy Aster Gerbera Primrose Petunia Violet Tulip Fuscia Hiacynth Pansy Lilac Marigold Verbina Sweetpea Daisy Buttercup Honeysuckle Clematis
Maybe get away with Ivy Heather Petal Fleur
Reply:I love flower names!
Lily Susanna Evans would be perfect. Susanna means "lily or rose" in Hebrew.
Other flower names:
Reply:Daisy, Rose, Blossom
Reply:Here's a few off the top of my head. Visit the site below for more.
Pansy, Narcissa, Daisy, Iolanthe, Iris, Petunia, Poppy, Rose, Violet, Clover, and Dahlia
Reply:Lily, Rose, Daisy, Daphadile,
Reply:i have a friend who's name is scarlet rose. (first and last)
thats really pretty, so i'd go with that.
some other ones are, daisy and violet.
the club could be like, flower power.
really corny, but i guess it fits the 60's.
i hope you like those. :]
Reply:Lily Rose Evans
Lily variations like Lilliana, Lillian
Rose- variations like Rosemary, Rosalie, Rosa,Rosabelle
Winter Lilly
I forget the name but you know that plant or like red leafed sorta flower people have for christmas? that one
some names for the group can be
like if there were 5 or however many number of girls than you can do Flower Five
Or you could have 6 characters each starting with a letter from the word flower. than you could name them F.,L.O.W.E.R
Flower Gals
The Florists
The Flowers
Those are some common flower names.
As for the club, why not The Garden Club?
Reply:lilly, orchid, daisy, calla (as in calla lilly), rose, violet, ivy (plant),
tulip,...have you tried looking up the spanish or french names for these flowers and using them as names....
the club could be called: the garden, band of flowers, mornings' glory, or the power of flowers (corny right?).
-hbb (also a writer)
Saffron - not a flower but close enough
Sage - not a flower but close enough
Reply:rose carnation lily sunflowerskin disease
Ladies Full Version of "A Flower Falls"? thoughts, feelings?? welcome?
Waking in peace early in the morn, just before dawn
she glistens in the moonlit dew, right before she's gone.
Beauty stands upright and proud, showing the world her final stand,
Before the last sunrise sparkles, she concedes defeat at hand.
The morning dew drips down her Blazen petals, the withering begins,
A flower falls from grace, but not to death, she'll know not sins.
Enriching soil beneath her grave for her sister flower to grow,
she leaves behind memories of class, etched deeply in her soul.
A flower falls in victory, as the world sleeps in total bliss,
honor your flower in early morn, a sight you should not miss.
Your flower is in you...... A flower falls, and ,, is re-born..
Ladies Full Version of "A Flower Falls"? thoughts, feelings?? welcome?
well, i'm not sure i get it, but it is worded beautifully. it holds a certain happy sadness that is a nice change from most poems i come across. did you write it?
Reply:Death !!!computer
she glistens in the moonlit dew, right before she's gone.
Beauty stands upright and proud, showing the world her final stand,
Before the last sunrise sparkles, she concedes defeat at hand.
The morning dew drips down her Blazen petals, the withering begins,
A flower falls from grace, but not to death, she'll know not sins.
Enriching soil beneath her grave for her sister flower to grow,
she leaves behind memories of class, etched deeply in her soul.
A flower falls in victory, as the world sleeps in total bliss,
honor your flower in early morn, a sight you should not miss.
Your flower is in you...... A flower falls, and ,, is re-born..
Ladies Full Version of "A Flower Falls"? thoughts, feelings?? welcome?
well, i'm not sure i get it, but it is worded beautifully. it holds a certain happy sadness that is a nice change from most poems i come across. did you write it?
Reply:Death !!!computer
Independence Day - Flower Show at Lalbagh Bangalore. No more?
he Garden City of India has something special to take pride at the dawn of 2007. The glass house of Lal Bagh became a rendezvous of flower colours from 19th January 2007 to 26th January 2007. The lush green paradise transformed into a dancing ground for flowers apart from ornamental vegetable plants and leafy plants. This year's Flower show is something special for the history of Lal Bagh, since it celebrates its 150th anniversary and attracted the record visitors among all its other Flower Shows.
Thanks for all the non-Bangaloreans who visited and made it a mess... you change Bangalore.. and its beauty.
Independence Day - Flower Show at Lalbagh Bangalore. No more?
somebody cares about it ?
Reply:B'lore is in a mess anyway because of its native B'lorians, who cannot safeguard its beauty. If U feel proud of the record number of visitors for the flower show, U should tolerate the non-B'lorians who visited %26amp; made it a mess %26amp; a success.
Reply:ofcourse, the taj mahal at lal bagh was awesome. it was decorated out of red roses, and then decorated with Indian Flag tri colour roses. it wasbeautiful to look at those. every year twice flower show is held in lal baghWhite Teeth
Thanks for all the non-Bangaloreans who visited and made it a mess... you change Bangalore.. and its beauty.
Independence Day - Flower Show at Lalbagh Bangalore. No more?
somebody cares about it ?
Reply:B'lore is in a mess anyway because of its native B'lorians, who cannot safeguard its beauty. If U feel proud of the record number of visitors for the flower show, U should tolerate the non-B'lorians who visited %26amp; made it a mess %26amp; a success.
Reply:ofcourse, the taj mahal at lal bagh was awesome. it was decorated out of red roses, and then decorated with Indian Flag tri colour roses. it wasbeautiful to look at those. every year twice flower show is held in lal baghWhite Teeth
Any ideas for a pretty flower bed? my first one!?
I live in a duplex with a small "flower bed" next to my front stpes. It's aprox 4 1/2 ft long and 2-3 feet deep. I want to plant some prety flowers there to make it more welcoming and pretty. Plus I love flowers and gardening. This is our first home and my first time doing anything like this, and I was wondering if anyone had some tips. I really have no idea what kind of flowers look good together or if there was anything fun and creative you've done before. i really love colorful and exotic looking. I live in northern Illinois and the flowers will be in direct sunlight all day long. And I don't havce a hose so if possible, know of any plants that do well with less water, seing as how id have to bring it outside is a water can or somthing. Any suggestions are more than appreciated, also if you know the best place to purchase the flower (home depo vs lowes or walmart) Thank you so much all for you help in advance!
Any ideas for a pretty flower bed? my first one!?
Depending on how much money you're willing to spend, you could consult a landscaper. But if you would like to plant and set up the bed all yourself and have it be showy right away, one option is to try it with annuals and tropical bulbs the first year. These may include Petunias, portulaca (especially good for hot dry spots), gladiolus, dahlia (the last two of which you can overwinter indoors). In arranging these plants, if the bed is kind of up against a wall, put the tallest ones in the back, shorter ones up front.
Another possibility, you could get a wildflower seed mix appropriate to your area, follow the directions on the seed packet, and use that. If done properly and maintained as per the instructions, it should give a pretty field of flowers effect. Some of the plants are perrenials while others reseed themselves every year. You could also buy already growing native perrenials too. Check out the website of Prairie Nursery.
Reply:Landscaping ideas: edging flower bed
Here is a link from Youtube on landscaping with several videos on the subject.
More videos same lady more choices.
Couple of catalogs to browse pictures of flowers....
Best bet go to a garden center for ideas on what to plant.
Happy Gardening
Reply:go to your local florist shop and buy some pretty flowers. then plant them or you could plant seeds and wait for them to grow.
Reply:You can plant spring flowering bulbs in the Fall, try to get bulbs that naturalize like daffodils, crocus, etc. Plant them in group of 25 for natural look.
Plant perennials, they will come back every year to save you money. Easy care perennials: Yarrow, Coreopsis, Coneflower (Echinacea), Geranium, Daylily, Sedum, Shasta Daisy (Leucanthemum), Liatris spicata, Veronica. They are available at Home Depot or Lowes.
I like Lowes better than Home Depot because of better price and same quality plants.
Reply:yay! me too... i am just starting. the best place to buy is Lowes... they have best price, and selection. you want to make sure that what you plant is a perennial, which means it comes back every year... that way you dont have to replant stuff. there is a great website : it has a list of what looks good together. i recommend a hibiscus bush though. they are my favs, and they love the sun! good luck, and have fun with it!affiliate reviews
Any ideas for a pretty flower bed? my first one!?
Depending on how much money you're willing to spend, you could consult a landscaper. But if you would like to plant and set up the bed all yourself and have it be showy right away, one option is to try it with annuals and tropical bulbs the first year. These may include Petunias, portulaca (especially good for hot dry spots), gladiolus, dahlia (the last two of which you can overwinter indoors). In arranging these plants, if the bed is kind of up against a wall, put the tallest ones in the back, shorter ones up front.
Another possibility, you could get a wildflower seed mix appropriate to your area, follow the directions on the seed packet, and use that. If done properly and maintained as per the instructions, it should give a pretty field of flowers effect. Some of the plants are perrenials while others reseed themselves every year. You could also buy already growing native perrenials too. Check out the website of Prairie Nursery.
Reply:Landscaping ideas: edging flower bed
Here is a link from Youtube on landscaping with several videos on the subject.
More videos same lady more choices.
Couple of catalogs to browse pictures of flowers....
Best bet go to a garden center for ideas on what to plant.
Happy Gardening
Reply:go to your local florist shop and buy some pretty flowers. then plant them or you could plant seeds and wait for them to grow.
Reply:You can plant spring flowering bulbs in the Fall, try to get bulbs that naturalize like daffodils, crocus, etc. Plant them in group of 25 for natural look.
Plant perennials, they will come back every year to save you money. Easy care perennials: Yarrow, Coreopsis, Coneflower (Echinacea), Geranium, Daylily, Sedum, Shasta Daisy (Leucanthemum), Liatris spicata, Veronica. They are available at Home Depot or Lowes.
I like Lowes better than Home Depot because of better price and same quality plants.
Reply:yay! me too... i am just starting. the best place to buy is Lowes... they have best price, and selection. you want to make sure that what you plant is a perennial, which means it comes back every year... that way you dont have to replant stuff. there is a great website : it has a list of what looks good together. i recommend a hibiscus bush though. they are my favs, and they love the sun! good luck, and have fun with it!affiliate reviews
Reusing a flower girl dress for another wedding - inappropriate?
We just had a wedding in our family (my husbands side) where my daughter was the flower girl, my other daughter was a jr bridesmaid, and my husband was a groomsman. Plus the trip, the whole thing cost us a lot of money. Another cousin (on my side of the family) is getting married and asked me to be a bridesmaid, my daughter to be the flower girl, my son to be the ring berrer, and oldest daughter to be a jr bridesmaid. I told her I could not afford all of that, but I would love to be there for her. Then I thought of the dress I have for my youngest.
Would it be tacky or inappropriate to reuse the flower girl dress for the second wedding and let my daughter participate?
Something else to consider, the brides family of the first wedding bought the flower girl dress. It was very expensive and they knew we were already out a lot of money.
Please help!
Reusing a flower girl dress for another wedding - inappropriate?
It's a very practical idea. In fact, my nieces will be reusing the dresses from my wedding for another niece's wedding. Congratulations.
Reply:I think you can check the flower girl dress on eBay shop.
The shop name is dresstore.
Hope it can help you. Report It
Reply:I don't think that is problem, however, if you pay around $40, you can get a new dress for your girl at Report It
Reply:show the bride the dress and let her have already been honest about your money situation, so why not about this?!
Reply:I think it would be fine! Do it and save some $$$!!
Reply:Definately not inappropriate as long as the dress matches the color scheme of the wedding. Everyone always has that problem of "I bought the dress (or now own it) and have no place else to wear it too", it's a perfect way to reuse an expensive gown. Not to mention young girls love getting dressed up anyway. As a very broke college student I understand the whole situation of being asked to be in a wedding and then being expected to pay for all the dresses and etc.
I would say to ask your family if it is okay with them. Explain the situation to them and show them the dress. I can't see any reason for them to say no. If they do, politely tell them then she wont be able to be part of the wedding. But I highly doubt they will say no unless it horribly clashes with the rest of the wedding party!
Reply:Ask the bride from the second wedding before you make any decisions either way. But I would have to say that I think it's fine, as long as the dress won't look out of place and the bride likes it. And I'm sure the second bride will understand, weddings are expensive, especially when you ask an entire family to be involved. Good luck and I hope the dress works out!
Reply:I don't know if that's such a good idea...typically the flower girl's dress is either going to be a miniature version of the bridesmaid dresses or the bridal gown. It would be rather tacky and obvious to use one from one wedding at another wedding (unless of course the same style is being worn).
Reply:I don't see a problem with it. If the dress is appropriate for this wedding (colors/cut) then I think it's fine. Whats wrong with being economical.
Reply:I don't think it is inappropriate. The dress will never be worn again by your daugther you might as well get more use out of the expensive dress. I would hope that your family would just be happy that you are there to spend the special day with them.
Reply:No, not at all. It's smart and practical
Reply:I would check with the bride and see if she likes the dress you have and amke sure it goes ok with her colors, theme, etc...but I wouldn't have the first problem with that....Those things are ridiculously expensive for something a kid is gonna outgrow quickly! I would think that it would be fine, if my flower girl already had a dress I liked-I darn sure would say get some more use out of it!
Reply:If it's the right color for the second bride, there is no reason at all not to re-use the dress.
Reply:It wouldnt be inappropriate at all! If she wants your daughter to be the flower girl and she approves of the dress there should be no problem at all! However if she does not like the dress, or it does not go with the colors of her wedding I would not push it any further then a suggestion!
Reply:if the bride doesnt care then go right ahead. its not a big deal to reuse it if its clean and pretty much still brand new. talk to her and ask if she minds.
Reply:Go for it
Reply:I think its a great and economical idea! My friend just got married and she had her two nieces as flower girls. The older girl was 7 and was making her first communion this year. So, the dress was both her communion dress and flower girl dress. They just got a blue sash to match the bridesmaids' dresses and they were good to go! Especially if its a beautiful, expensive dress, let her have a great reason to wear it again! Good luck!
Reply:There is nothing wrong with useing the dress again.As log as the bride likes the dress and it goes with her theme.I had my bridesmaids use a dresses from my friends wedding to help with the costs.There is nothing at all wrong with it.
Reply:Nawh, who cares? If the shoe fits, wear it! Weddings put people in amazing debt! Save money where ever you can, if you like it and it fits her and suits your colors, then go for it!!
Reply:It is perfectly appropriate to reuse a flower girl dress. I am 26 now, but when I was a child I was a "professional flower girl." I had special dresses made because I was asked to be in so many weddings (I was one of the few little girls in my church congregation so I was asked all the time). I had 2 dresses - one for winter weddings and one for spring weddings, which I used numerous times.
It's not tacky at all considering that a dress for a small girl sometimes costs as much as a bridesmaid dress these days. And most of the time, the flower girl doesn't appear in many of the wedding photos - no one will notice. You should ask your cousin if you can reuse the dress (hopefully the colors will match so it won't be a problem) - otherwise just tell her that you can't afford to buy your daughter yet another dress that she will outgrow in just a year's time.
Reply:It isn't inappriote as long as the bride at the second wedding is okay with it. Ask her about it, and if she likes the dress, go for it.Soles
Would it be tacky or inappropriate to reuse the flower girl dress for the second wedding and let my daughter participate?
Something else to consider, the brides family of the first wedding bought the flower girl dress. It was very expensive and they knew we were already out a lot of money.
Please help!
Reusing a flower girl dress for another wedding - inappropriate?
It's a very practical idea. In fact, my nieces will be reusing the dresses from my wedding for another niece's wedding. Congratulations.
Reply:I think you can check the flower girl dress on eBay shop.
The shop name is dresstore.
Hope it can help you. Report It
Reply:I don't think that is problem, however, if you pay around $40, you can get a new dress for your girl at Report It
Reply:show the bride the dress and let her have already been honest about your money situation, so why not about this?!
Reply:I think it would be fine! Do it and save some $$$!!
Reply:Definately not inappropriate as long as the dress matches the color scheme of the wedding. Everyone always has that problem of "I bought the dress (or now own it) and have no place else to wear it too", it's a perfect way to reuse an expensive gown. Not to mention young girls love getting dressed up anyway. As a very broke college student I understand the whole situation of being asked to be in a wedding and then being expected to pay for all the dresses and etc.
I would say to ask your family if it is okay with them. Explain the situation to them and show them the dress. I can't see any reason for them to say no. If they do, politely tell them then she wont be able to be part of the wedding. But I highly doubt they will say no unless it horribly clashes with the rest of the wedding party!
Reply:Ask the bride from the second wedding before you make any decisions either way. But I would have to say that I think it's fine, as long as the dress won't look out of place and the bride likes it. And I'm sure the second bride will understand, weddings are expensive, especially when you ask an entire family to be involved. Good luck and I hope the dress works out!
Reply:I don't know if that's such a good idea...typically the flower girl's dress is either going to be a miniature version of the bridesmaid dresses or the bridal gown. It would be rather tacky and obvious to use one from one wedding at another wedding (unless of course the same style is being worn).
Reply:I don't see a problem with it. If the dress is appropriate for this wedding (colors/cut) then I think it's fine. Whats wrong with being economical.
Reply:I don't think it is inappropriate. The dress will never be worn again by your daugther you might as well get more use out of the expensive dress. I would hope that your family would just be happy that you are there to spend the special day with them.
Reply:No, not at all. It's smart and practical
Reply:I would check with the bride and see if she likes the dress you have and amke sure it goes ok with her colors, theme, etc...but I wouldn't have the first problem with that....Those things are ridiculously expensive for something a kid is gonna outgrow quickly! I would think that it would be fine, if my flower girl already had a dress I liked-I darn sure would say get some more use out of it!
Reply:If it's the right color for the second bride, there is no reason at all not to re-use the dress.
Reply:It wouldnt be inappropriate at all! If she wants your daughter to be the flower girl and she approves of the dress there should be no problem at all! However if she does not like the dress, or it does not go with the colors of her wedding I would not push it any further then a suggestion!
Reply:if the bride doesnt care then go right ahead. its not a big deal to reuse it if its clean and pretty much still brand new. talk to her and ask if she minds.
Reply:Go for it
Reply:I think its a great and economical idea! My friend just got married and she had her two nieces as flower girls. The older girl was 7 and was making her first communion this year. So, the dress was both her communion dress and flower girl dress. They just got a blue sash to match the bridesmaids' dresses and they were good to go! Especially if its a beautiful, expensive dress, let her have a great reason to wear it again! Good luck!
Reply:There is nothing wrong with useing the dress again.As log as the bride likes the dress and it goes with her theme.I had my bridesmaids use a dresses from my friends wedding to help with the costs.There is nothing at all wrong with it.
Reply:Nawh, who cares? If the shoe fits, wear it! Weddings put people in amazing debt! Save money where ever you can, if you like it and it fits her and suits your colors, then go for it!!
Reply:It is perfectly appropriate to reuse a flower girl dress. I am 26 now, but when I was a child I was a "professional flower girl." I had special dresses made because I was asked to be in so many weddings (I was one of the few little girls in my church congregation so I was asked all the time). I had 2 dresses - one for winter weddings and one for spring weddings, which I used numerous times.
It's not tacky at all considering that a dress for a small girl sometimes costs as much as a bridesmaid dress these days. And most of the time, the flower girl doesn't appear in many of the wedding photos - no one will notice. You should ask your cousin if you can reuse the dress (hopefully the colors will match so it won't be a problem) - otherwise just tell her that you can't afford to buy your daughter yet another dress that she will outgrow in just a year's time.
Reply:It isn't inappriote as long as the bride at the second wedding is okay with it. Ask her about it, and if she likes the dress, go for it.Soles
Why is costco, trader joe's,1-800 flowers, and large corporations trying to overshadow flower shops?
I don't understand why large corporations take advantage of small businesses, all those online "florists" like pro-flowers, and 1-800 flowers, rip people off.
I ordered a large arrangement from 1-800 flowers and I didn't get the best quality in flowers, I would rather order from a local flower shop now, especiall y those that are family owned.
they give you the best service and products it was worthe the money, pricey, but worth every penny. I still don't understand why some people are still dumb enough to support those large corporations that have no knowledge or passion like a REAL flower shop does. Is it because small flower shops don't have enough money to advertise like large corporations do?
Why is costco, trader joe's,1-800 flowers, and large corporations trying to overshadow flower shops?
It's called capitalism. Get used to it because it's not going anywhere any time soon.
Reply:Everyone has the right to compete in a free
I ordered a large arrangement from 1-800 flowers and I didn't get the best quality in flowers, I would rather order from a local flower shop now, especiall y those that are family owned.
they give you the best service and products it was worthe the money, pricey, but worth every penny. I still don't understand why some people are still dumb enough to support those large corporations that have no knowledge or passion like a REAL flower shop does. Is it because small flower shops don't have enough money to advertise like large corporations do?
Why is costco, trader joe's,1-800 flowers, and large corporations trying to overshadow flower shops?
It's called capitalism. Get used to it because it's not going anywhere any time soon.
Reply:Everyone has the right to compete in a free
What kind of flower best matches a white dress with silver flowers on it?
My girlfriend wants me to pick a really pretty flower for prom. One for her and one for me. And seeing as how we're supposed to match, I'd like to try and find a flower that matches her dress. It's white with silver flowers on it. Prom is this Saturday. And I need to hurry up and order these flowers before it's too late. I just need a list or a few options to choose from so that I can get an idea of what I need to get for her and myself.
What kind of flower best matches a white dress with silver flowers on it?
Your choices are wide, dark pink, yellow with a silver ribbon to pick up the silver in her dress. What color tie are you wearing or are you in a tux?
Reply:good colors that go with white is pink. silver, gold. blue. umm mostly everything
Reply:well try the same color WHITE it would look cute and u would be shure it would match:):):):)hairstyles hair style
What kind of flower best matches a white dress with silver flowers on it?
Your choices are wide, dark pink, yellow with a silver ribbon to pick up the silver in her dress. What color tie are you wearing or are you in a tux?
Reply:good colors that go with white is pink. silver, gold. blue. umm mostly everything
Reply:well try the same color WHITE it would look cute and u would be shure it would match:):):):)hairstyles hair style
Flower cost?
What is the average price per flower for the following. what flowers range on the lower and higher side. ideas for elegant flowers on lower end of price scale?
Flower cost?
i agree with poo bear fan, the flowers are directing everyone to look at your boobs! Dress is wonderful though!!! Why buy fresh flowers when you only use them for one day, girl go to Michael's or any craft store and have them make your arrangements, my girlfriend did that, cost of flowers went from $800 for fresh to $175!
Reply:I am getting my flowers from and making my own bouquets and arrangements.
Most flowers are around $8 a bunch, some less or more depending on the type.
EDIT: The dress is gorgeous =]
shows prices for individual flowers.
Personally, not too crazy about this gown.
Reply:I LOVE THIS DRESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOWWW!!!!! MY MOUTH ARE WAY TO DROP DOWN!'s so beautiful!!!... you can pick any flower as you want to.... color? despend what you pick dresses for your honor?... I can help u imaged with a beautiful flower?...
Reply:the dress is really pretty however the flowers at the top would add to much attention to the breast area would ask if flowers could be removed or smaller ones put on there
Reply:you can always get flowers ot you buy in bulk and they are much cheaper. i think 100 roses are about $75.00 with shipping!genealogy mormon
Flower cost?
i agree with poo bear fan, the flowers are directing everyone to look at your boobs! Dress is wonderful though!!! Why buy fresh flowers when you only use them for one day, girl go to Michael's or any craft store and have them make your arrangements, my girlfriend did that, cost of flowers went from $800 for fresh to $175!
Reply:I am getting my flowers from and making my own bouquets and arrangements.
Most flowers are around $8 a bunch, some less or more depending on the type.
EDIT: The dress is gorgeous =]
shows prices for individual flowers.
Personally, not too crazy about this gown.
Reply:I LOVE THIS DRESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOWWW!!!!! MY MOUTH ARE WAY TO DROP DOWN!'s so beautiful!!!... you can pick any flower as you want to.... color? despend what you pick dresses for your honor?... I can help u imaged with a beautiful flower?...
Reply:the dress is really pretty however the flowers at the top would add to much attention to the breast area would ask if flowers could be removed or smaller ones put on there
Reply:you can always get flowers ot you buy in bulk and they are much cheaper. i think 100 roses are about $75.00 with shipping!genealogy mormon
What kind of flower is this in my yard?
there is a flower in my yard that is the BEST smelling flower i have ever smelled. it's a very sweet clean smell and the bees love it. i did not plant it, it is in the middle of the grass. it grows about three or four inches tall and has semi-grass like foliage. the petals are white and there are five petals on each flower. The throat of the flowers are a pinkish light marroon... what is this flower? i looked on google....... but no luck
What kind of flower is this in my yard?
Hard to say without a picture. Possibly Zephyranthes (commonly known as rain lilies), except these traditionally have six petals.
Reply:Not seeing the flower, it sounds like a crocus to me. If you go to there will be pictures of some.
Reply:How about a pic?
Reply:Maybe Star of Bethlehem...
Reply:Wild onion? Leaves are accute (long, slender) without serration. The umbelate flowers do well as cut flowers, but the onion fragrance will compete with the flower scent.
They are edible entire.flower
What kind of flower is this in my yard?
Hard to say without a picture. Possibly Zephyranthes (commonly known as rain lilies), except these traditionally have six petals.
Reply:Not seeing the flower, it sounds like a crocus to me. If you go to there will be pictures of some.
Reply:How about a pic?
Reply:Maybe Star of Bethlehem...
Reply:Wild onion? Leaves are accute (long, slender) without serration. The umbelate flowers do well as cut flowers, but the onion fragrance will compete with the flower scent.
They are edible entire.flower
Flower arrangement question?
How do you arrange flowers after you buy a bouquet from the grocery store? I have no idea on how to arrange flowers. I would just stick them in a vase and add water but they look tacky cause they're not arranged. Isn't there an easy technique for flower arranging? Any good websites?
Flower arrangement question?
Personally, my favorite flower is alstroemeria. I buy enough so that the stems are tight in the vase, strip off leaves that are below the edge of the vase and put them in the water. Flower arranging is done.
Reply:You can go to your local library for flower arrangement books.
Reply:here is a website I found, It might help
Reply:martha stewart has a "weddings" dvd out w/ step by step instructions. very useful.
some of the higher end grocery stores (ie Gelson's) will hold free floral arranging demos once a month.
right now, hand tied bouquets are very in. you hold ea. stem in your hand as you add the next one in- filling empty spots and spreading color- etc. then you tie it and drop it in a vase. if it doesn't look right, try trimming the stems until it fits the mouth of the vase properly.
good luck!
Reply:go to the florist!!!genealogy mormon
Flower arrangement question?
Personally, my favorite flower is alstroemeria. I buy enough so that the stems are tight in the vase, strip off leaves that are below the edge of the vase and put them in the water. Flower arranging is done.
Reply:You can go to your local library for flower arrangement books.
Reply:here is a website I found, It might help
Reply:martha stewart has a "weddings" dvd out w/ step by step instructions. very useful.
some of the higher end grocery stores (ie Gelson's) will hold free floral arranging demos once a month.
right now, hand tied bouquets are very in. you hold ea. stem in your hand as you add the next one in- filling empty spots and spreading color- etc. then you tie it and drop it in a vase. if it doesn't look right, try trimming the stems until it fits the mouth of the vase properly.
good luck!
Reply:go to the florist!!!genealogy mormon
What type of "flowers" for a one year old flower girl??
Help!! My flower girl will be barely one year old at our wedding. I want her to carry something but don't want her to choke!! Does anyone have any ideas for ways to indicate she is a flower girl without being risky for her health?? We're using silk flowers. I'm just afraid she will pull off a flower head or something and choke!!
What type of "flowers" for a one year old flower girl??
LOL! Good point!!
How about a 'crown' of flowers on her head like this pic (4th down):
Or I have even seen some cute flower girls that wore beautiful dresses teamed with fairy wings..
See 4th pic down on right:
Good luck! :o)
Reply:Flowers sewn to the clothing or a hat that she can't reach then she can perhaps carry a pillow or stuffed animal with sewn on flowers and decorations
Reply:rose pedals
Reply:u need an older child or someone to carry her down the asile, or give her real flowers to carry if someone is carrying her u need to check but a lot of flowers are editable and if she stuck a real flower petal in her mouth someone would be able to remove it from her mouth without having to stop everything to call poison control
Reply:My niece was 2. Here's what I did. I made her a pail with fake flowers and I glued them in. As a last minute addition she had her Dora doll with her and no one would dare try to take it away from her. So she walked in holding her mom's hand and the flowers and under her other arm, her stuffed Dora doll was tucked under like a football! It was absolutely adorable.
Maybe instead of flowers a stuffed animal would work.
Reply:She should carry a little basket, decorated to match the wedding colors/theme and you can buy large silk petals, if she tosses them great if not then that is ok too. Best wishes.
Reply:Real rose pedals are edible.acting resources
What type of "flowers" for a one year old flower girl??
LOL! Good point!!
How about a 'crown' of flowers on her head like this pic (4th down):
Or I have even seen some cute flower girls that wore beautiful dresses teamed with fairy wings..
See 4th pic down on right:
Good luck! :o)
Reply:Flowers sewn to the clothing or a hat that she can't reach then she can perhaps carry a pillow or stuffed animal with sewn on flowers and decorations
Reply:rose pedals
Reply:u need an older child or someone to carry her down the asile, or give her real flowers to carry if someone is carrying her u need to check but a lot of flowers are editable and if she stuck a real flower petal in her mouth someone would be able to remove it from her mouth without having to stop everything to call poison control
Reply:My niece was 2. Here's what I did. I made her a pail with fake flowers and I glued them in. As a last minute addition she had her Dora doll with her and no one would dare try to take it away from her. So she walked in holding her mom's hand and the flowers and under her other arm, her stuffed Dora doll was tucked under like a football! It was absolutely adorable.
Maybe instead of flowers a stuffed animal would work.
Reply:She should carry a little basket, decorated to match the wedding colors/theme and you can buy large silk petals, if she tosses them great if not then that is ok too. Best wishes.
Reply:Real rose pedals are edible.acting resources
Flower Stickers?
My sock is filled up with flower stickers. I can't put it on! I have a meeting in half an hour, and I absolutely NEED a sock on my foot! I cannot scoop the flower stickers out because they'll get mad and throw raw meat patties at my face. I've had a problem with flower stickers and doggie bags for awhile. I locked all the Doggie Bags up in my closet, but the other day one escaped and released all the others. Now there are doggie bags running all over town NOT scooping up poop! Instead they're frizzing, fujabaing, and pockysticklering. I tried shoving them down the chimney but then my lawn gnomes got angry and threw rabid poopie at my window!!! this morning when i was in the sink taking a shower a bunch of leprechauns jumped out and started slapping me with baboon butts! and if that wasn't bad enough, the muffin man came and fined me 400 bucks for not eating a carrot for a day and a half! My oh my, the world is out to get me! PLEASE HELP!!! Pellygoning is normally the solution...
Flower Stickers?
Oh fart! This is quite a sooting situation...well no worries. My name is Elb and I'm here to help!
Well first of all i would try doing a big stinky tooting fart so the flower stickers all die. Then throw rice burritos at them so they dont know whether to go to Hong Kong or Mexico. that way the sock will have no problem with the fact your feet smell like a cows big butt!performing arts
Flower Stickers?
Oh fart! This is quite a sooting situation...well no worries. My name is Elb and I'm here to help!
Well first of all i would try doing a big stinky tooting fart so the flower stickers all die. Then throw rice burritos at them so they dont know whether to go to Hong Kong or Mexico. that way the sock will have no problem with the fact your feet smell like a cows big butt!performing arts
Flower pot tubes?
i bought a yucca plant a while back. i also bought a nice white plastic flower pot to go with it. with the pot came a long white tube and a slightly shorter red tube. the yucca lives in my front room.
my yucca plant is dying!! dont know what it needs. then one day at work, i noticed the flower pots there have a long green tube with a cap sticking out of the soil. so now im thinking maybe im supposed to use those tubes that came with my flower pot but i dont know what they are supposed to be used for. does anyone know what these tubes are meant for? and how they are supposed to be used. does anyone have any tips on keeping yucca alive?
Flower pot tubes?
I've got a 6foot tall yucca. I've had it for donkeys. I always forget to water it (so I guess they like it dry) and it goes yellowy when i moved it away from the window (so I guess they need lots of light!) And I've never once fed it. I always thought they were relatively hard to kill. Kind of a treat 'em mean keep 'em keen type of plant.
I have no idea what the tube is. Water? Food?
Reply:just wanted to add that i could not believeeeeeeeeeeeeee that all the damned thing wanted is a bit more light. it is thriving now. the leaves are getting darker and new leaves are coming through. another problem solved. thank you so much!! Report It
Reply:If the pot you are mentioning is like the ones they sell here in Spain, the red bit is a tell-tale to help you keep the pot watered correctly. Either the red bit will show when there isn't enough water, or it is there when there IS water and you should top it up when it has disappeared.
Because the Yucca has different watering needs to other plants, you might not want to go by that tell-tale tube. Check out some sites about caring for your Yucca.
I did a search in Google for "Yucca Care" and tons of sites came up. One is this one:
I can only seem to grow Hyascinths. I manage to alternately over and under-water the rest of my
my yucca plant is dying!! dont know what it needs. then one day at work, i noticed the flower pots there have a long green tube with a cap sticking out of the soil. so now im thinking maybe im supposed to use those tubes that came with my flower pot but i dont know what they are supposed to be used for. does anyone know what these tubes are meant for? and how they are supposed to be used. does anyone have any tips on keeping yucca alive?
Flower pot tubes?
I've got a 6foot tall yucca. I've had it for donkeys. I always forget to water it (so I guess they like it dry) and it goes yellowy when i moved it away from the window (so I guess they need lots of light!) And I've never once fed it. I always thought they were relatively hard to kill. Kind of a treat 'em mean keep 'em keen type of plant.
I have no idea what the tube is. Water? Food?
Reply:just wanted to add that i could not believeeeeeeeeeeeeee that all the damned thing wanted is a bit more light. it is thriving now. the leaves are getting darker and new leaves are coming through. another problem solved. thank you so much!! Report It
Reply:If the pot you are mentioning is like the ones they sell here in Spain, the red bit is a tell-tale to help you keep the pot watered correctly. Either the red bit will show when there isn't enough water, or it is there when there IS water and you should top it up when it has disappeared.
Because the Yucca has different watering needs to other plants, you might not want to go by that tell-tale tube. Check out some sites about caring for your Yucca.
I did a search in Google for "Yucca Care" and tons of sites came up. One is this one:
I can only seem to grow Hyascinths. I manage to alternately over and under-water the rest of my
Flower and herb uses?
I'd like to know some 'recipes' using any kinds of herbs and flowers-- food recipes, potpourri recipes, facial/skin care recipes, ANY kind of home, food or body recipe. I work in a flower shop so I have access to all sorts of flowers, including dried lavender and stuff like that, and some herbs. Any ideas would be appreciated!
Flower and herb uses?
Calendula is also called pot marigold (not the same plant grown in your annual bed. Pot marigolds are smaller and more delicate in appearance than the more familiar garden Marigold)
Calendula is said to encourage healing, aid digestion, fight fungal infections and cure diaper rash, but it is also has several cosmetic uses. Calendula petals can be used to make a nourishing skin cream or cleanser (see recipe below)
4 tablespoons olive or almond oil
2 tablespoons dried pot marigold flowers
few drops of violet, orange blossom or rose water
Warm the oil in a bowl placed over a saucepan of hot water. Stir in the dried flowers and continue to heat gently for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, allow to cool, and stir in the flower water.
Reply:Lavender is fabulous! It has many uses. I make potpourri from it, by putting it in little glass jars. In my bathroom, I have a small shelf with three baby food jars (with no lids), with ribbons tied around the part where the lid would screw on. It has a pleasant scent. Another thing I do with Lavender is making drawer and closet fresheners. If you're like me, you always end up with odd socks from the wash. I take the socks with no mates and fill them with spices and herbs and flowers (cloves, lavender, and rose petals are my favorites). Then, I tie up the socks and toss them in drawers, closets and hampers to keep linens, clothes and towels smelling clean and fresh. Lavender is also delicious when added to simple white vanilla cake mix. It makes it pretty, and adds a savory taste to complement the sweet of the cake. Another flower use is to put nasturtiums in salads. They have a nutty taste.
Reply:If you have dried lavendar, make sachets - just wrap a tablespoon or so into a square of fabric and tie it up. They keep your clothes fresh in drawers and closets, and they make great gifts.
As for recipes, I love to use rosemary. Drop a long sprig in a pot of potato soup, on low for 20 minutes. Also, try making aluminum foil packets of any white fish filet, a little olive oil, pepper and a sprig of rosemary. How long to bake it depends on the type of fish and size of the filet.
And then, there's always stuffing a chicken with whatever herbs you can get your hands on - thyme, sage, rosemary, lemon balm. Just fill the cavity with fresh herbs and roast it.
The trick is to use very fresh herbs, so they don't fall apart when they get cooked. Good luck!
Reply:Wikipedia is always my first go to source on all things related to anything. If you wikipedia specific flowers or herbs it will generally give you their properties.
Potpourri for one is very easy to make, all you need to do is dry out the flowers and mix their petals together.
More specifically, you should consult these links, they could be helpful to you:
Flower and herb uses?
Calendula is also called pot marigold (not the same plant grown in your annual bed. Pot marigolds are smaller and more delicate in appearance than the more familiar garden Marigold)
Calendula is said to encourage healing, aid digestion, fight fungal infections and cure diaper rash, but it is also has several cosmetic uses. Calendula petals can be used to make a nourishing skin cream or cleanser (see recipe below)
4 tablespoons olive or almond oil
2 tablespoons dried pot marigold flowers
few drops of violet, orange blossom or rose water
Warm the oil in a bowl placed over a saucepan of hot water. Stir in the dried flowers and continue to heat gently for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, allow to cool, and stir in the flower water.
Reply:Lavender is fabulous! It has many uses. I make potpourri from it, by putting it in little glass jars. In my bathroom, I have a small shelf with three baby food jars (with no lids), with ribbons tied around the part where the lid would screw on. It has a pleasant scent. Another thing I do with Lavender is making drawer and closet fresheners. If you're like me, you always end up with odd socks from the wash. I take the socks with no mates and fill them with spices and herbs and flowers (cloves, lavender, and rose petals are my favorites). Then, I tie up the socks and toss them in drawers, closets and hampers to keep linens, clothes and towels smelling clean and fresh. Lavender is also delicious when added to simple white vanilla cake mix. It makes it pretty, and adds a savory taste to complement the sweet of the cake. Another flower use is to put nasturtiums in salads. They have a nutty taste.
Reply:If you have dried lavendar, make sachets - just wrap a tablespoon or so into a square of fabric and tie it up. They keep your clothes fresh in drawers and closets, and they make great gifts.
As for recipes, I love to use rosemary. Drop a long sprig in a pot of potato soup, on low for 20 minutes. Also, try making aluminum foil packets of any white fish filet, a little olive oil, pepper and a sprig of rosemary. How long to bake it depends on the type of fish and size of the filet.
And then, there's always stuffing a chicken with whatever herbs you can get your hands on - thyme, sage, rosemary, lemon balm. Just fill the cavity with fresh herbs and roast it.
The trick is to use very fresh herbs, so they don't fall apart when they get cooked. Good luck!
Reply:Wikipedia is always my first go to source on all things related to anything. If you wikipedia specific flowers or herbs it will generally give you their properties.
Potpourri for one is very easy to make, all you need to do is dry out the flowers and mix their petals together.
More specifically, you should consult these links, they could be helpful to you:
Flower that symbolizes thank you?
What flower symbolizes thank you? I want to give it to someone. But since most flowers use symbolism, I want to symbolize my appreciation with that particular flower.
Flower that symbolizes thank you?
Peace Lily
Reply:Daisy means "share your feelings"; or-
Daffodil means "regard".
Those would work.
Reply:It is the Red Rose. Also the rose of love, it is a lovely way to say-I appreciate you. Good Luck!
I found a really neat place about flowers, including their meanings. It's not a place that's trying to sell you something, either, its the Flower Society. It has lots of other info, too.
Here's the link:
It says that Hydrangea means "Thank you for understanding",
and a Rose Bouquet of Mature Blooms means, "Gratitude".
It's really thoughtful of you to do this.super nanny
Flower that symbolizes thank you?
Peace Lily
Reply:Daisy means "share your feelings"; or-
Daffodil means "regard".
Those would work.
Reply:It is the Red Rose. Also the rose of love, it is a lovely way to say-I appreciate you. Good Luck!
I found a really neat place about flowers, including their meanings. It's not a place that's trying to sell you something, either, its the Flower Society. It has lots of other info, too.
Here's the link:
It says that Hydrangea means "Thank you for understanding",
and a Rose Bouquet of Mature Blooms means, "Gratitude".
It's really thoughtful of you to do this.super nanny
Why are the flower buds on my Hibiscus falling off before they bloom?
I bought a Hibiscus plant last year and this happened constantly. The new buds would form but before they would open (flower) the buds would fall off the stem. It was in a clay pot and even when I would get flowers they would fall off very quickly. I ended up transferring the plant to the ground and am waiting to see what happens. So far, so good, and I have one bloom about to open.
This year I bought 2 new Hibiscus plants and the same thing is happening. The buds just fall off the end of the stem before I see a flower. When I bought the plants they had at least 1 to 2 open flowers on each plant.
They are planted in large clay pots w/ potting soil, get watered every 2-3 days, get full sun in morning and part of the afternoon and get fertilizer as required.
Are the pots too small, not enough soil? (I have put them in larger pots and than they came in when purchased), Wrong fertilizer? (It says for flowering plants like Hibiscus), Too much/not enough water? Wrong type of soil?
Why are the flower buds on my Hibiscus falling off before they bloom?
From Houston Chronicle, August 2004 (first link below):
"Hibiscus note
Too much or too little fertilizer or water and excess temperatures can cause hibiscus buds to drop. This can be worse in some seasons than in others and among some varieties more than others. Double types may be more prone than others.
But more recently, we reported hibiscus experts Roz and Pat Merritt's advice on dealing with the gall midge, another cause of bud drop. The midge lays its eggs in buds, causing them to yellow and fall off the plant. If you cut a bud open, you may see the larvae.
Pick up all fallen buds and pick off all yellow buds, seal them in a plastic bag and dispose of the bag.
You could spray the plant with a product containing imidicloprid. Treat the ground/pot soil with a granular product that will target the stage that pupates in the ground. Spray three times at three-day intervals to get all stages. Cold weather should set the pests back. "
From Klahanie Greehouses (2nd link, more info)
"All Hibiscus rosa-sinensis need good, regular feeding and the soil must be kept MOIST (not wet) at all times. Failure to do so will cause the buds to fall off. "
Also, check out the third link for several other FAQ's about hibiscus and their answers.
Hope this helps your problem! Good luck.
Reply:Premature flower drop sometimes has to do with culivar selection! Sometimes it is insects living in the plant. Environmental conditions can even cause the buds to drop.
Here is a great article on hibiscus:
Sounds like you are supplying them with the proper light, water and fertilizer requirements. How big are the pots you put them in compared to the root mass? They may be in pots too big for their root mass, and the water you may be giving them may not be enough, or too much depending on how long it takes for the pot to dry out. I know some plants do not like to be potted up, and it is possible that they are in a pot that is too big. (You could put two plants in a pot, depending on how big the plants and pots are!)
If you do choose to spray an insecticide, imidacloprid would work, but the insects must feed on it for it to work (it is not a contact insecticide). Imidacloprid is a systemic insecticide. It is taken up by the plant, so when an insect feeds on it, they eat the poison and die. You could spray a contact insecticide that will work on caterpillars and other pests. Something like a pyrethroid will work. These are sold in any home/garden store.
A word of caution... hibiscus are very sensitive to chemicals, so be careful when applying anything so you don't hurt them!
Try to figure out if it is the environment causing the problem before you spray something that you may not need to spray!
Hope this helps!skin disease
This year I bought 2 new Hibiscus plants and the same thing is happening. The buds just fall off the end of the stem before I see a flower. When I bought the plants they had at least 1 to 2 open flowers on each plant.
They are planted in large clay pots w/ potting soil, get watered every 2-3 days, get full sun in morning and part of the afternoon and get fertilizer as required.
Are the pots too small, not enough soil? (I have put them in larger pots and than they came in when purchased), Wrong fertilizer? (It says for flowering plants like Hibiscus), Too much/not enough water? Wrong type of soil?
Why are the flower buds on my Hibiscus falling off before they bloom?
From Houston Chronicle, August 2004 (first link below):
"Hibiscus note
Too much or too little fertilizer or water and excess temperatures can cause hibiscus buds to drop. This can be worse in some seasons than in others and among some varieties more than others. Double types may be more prone than others.
But more recently, we reported hibiscus experts Roz and Pat Merritt's advice on dealing with the gall midge, another cause of bud drop. The midge lays its eggs in buds, causing them to yellow and fall off the plant. If you cut a bud open, you may see the larvae.
Pick up all fallen buds and pick off all yellow buds, seal them in a plastic bag and dispose of the bag.
You could spray the plant with a product containing imidicloprid. Treat the ground/pot soil with a granular product that will target the stage that pupates in the ground. Spray three times at three-day intervals to get all stages. Cold weather should set the pests back. "
From Klahanie Greehouses (2nd link, more info)
"All Hibiscus rosa-sinensis need good, regular feeding and the soil must be kept MOIST (not wet) at all times. Failure to do so will cause the buds to fall off. "
Also, check out the third link for several other FAQ's about hibiscus and their answers.
Hope this helps your problem! Good luck.
Reply:Premature flower drop sometimes has to do with culivar selection! Sometimes it is insects living in the plant. Environmental conditions can even cause the buds to drop.
Here is a great article on hibiscus:
Sounds like you are supplying them with the proper light, water and fertilizer requirements. How big are the pots you put them in compared to the root mass? They may be in pots too big for their root mass, and the water you may be giving them may not be enough, or too much depending on how long it takes for the pot to dry out. I know some plants do not like to be potted up, and it is possible that they are in a pot that is too big. (You could put two plants in a pot, depending on how big the plants and pots are!)
If you do choose to spray an insecticide, imidacloprid would work, but the insects must feed on it for it to work (it is not a contact insecticide). Imidacloprid is a systemic insecticide. It is taken up by the plant, so when an insect feeds on it, they eat the poison and die. You could spray a contact insecticide that will work on caterpillars and other pests. Something like a pyrethroid will work. These are sold in any home/garden store.
A word of caution... hibiscus are very sensitive to chemicals, so be careful when applying anything so you don't hurt them!
Try to figure out if it is the environment causing the problem before you spray something that you may not need to spray!
Hope this helps!skin disease
Flower Help Please!?
Our wedding is in late August, and I'm looking for an inexpensive or alternative way to do my bouquets. I'm not having centerpieces made of flowers so I don't need any help with that, just the bridesmaids and my bouquet. I'm also having some trouble deciding the flowers to use, my color theme is a light purple like a lilac shade and silver. I was thinking of going with white roses or some other color, but I don't want just a rose bouquet, I would like some other flower to accent it, No Lilies though, although they are beautiful I can't stand the smell of them, it gives me a headache. I'm so lost and I'm running out of time! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated and Thank You ALL in advance : )
Flower Help Please!?
A good way to keep cost down is to be sure to pick flowers that are in bloom at that time of year. Late August would be a great time for chrysanthemums. They come in a creamy white and several shades of purple including a lavendar shade and would make lovely bridesmaids bouquets. Baby's breath is also coming into bloom at that time. For the bride's bouquet you could add stephanotis which is a small (inch to inch and a half) white waxy flower and white baby's breath to your rose bouquet.
Congratulations and best of luck! P.S. Irises are spring flowers and would be expensive if they were available at all.
Reply:Carnations are beautiful - gerbera daisies or alstromeria. Check with your local florist for ideas.
Reply:Gerbera daisies. COme in all colors. Calla Lillies.
Reply:Irises are a good flower. The come in several colors including white and different shades of purple. Also they are in season later in the year so they might be cheaper. You could take a few lilac irises and tie them with a silver ribbon for your bridesmaids to carry.
Reply:I am making my own. I am going with a single rose for the girls. You might try roses and irises. I saw it in a magizine and it looked beautiful. I would suggest you get a mag and see what you like. Buy a few fake flowers and just see what looks good to you.
Reply:Hydrangeas are a beautiful flower that comes in many colors. They even come in beautiful shades of lavender. They also come in white. You could have a white bouquet of white hydrangeas and roses and have white roses and lavender hydrangeas in the bridesmaids bouquets. These websites have pretty affordable wholesale options for flowers. Good luck with all your planning!
Reply:You could go to your local craft store and have them make the bouquets out of silk flowers. They are a lost less expensive and you have them as a keepsakes. My colors are lilac and yellow. I found a beautiful bouquet online with nosegays and white roses. If you dont like this particular bouquet then the craft store or florist will have a book with pictures of bouquets for you to look at.
Reply:Anything in the blue/purple/pink range should look pretty, and most flowers look at least pretty good combined with white roses. If you've got a good flower market or open-to-the-public florist's supply, go take a look at what's there and think about how they would look together. Talk to someone who works there about what flowers are easy to work with in your color range, and in season at the time you're getting married.
Some flowers in the color range you might want to take a look at include: heather, lilacs, lavendar, iris. There are also roses that are slightly cool shades of lavendar as opposed to the more common pinks, reds, and whites. You could always mix some of those with the white for a striking and elegant look.
Or, the way I did my flowers was simple. I went to that open-to-the-public florist's supply the day before my wedding, bought some of everything that was long-stemmed and inexpensive that day that seemed to go reasonably together, added in one sheaf of long-stemmed red roses, and tied up sheaf bouquets with red ribbon. Since I didn't need a lot of flowers for table decorations or any other real floral displays (I was getting married in a redwood grove and felt a lot of floral arrangements would be a case of coals to Newcastle!), I was able to get all the flowers I needed for about $35.
That was fourteen years ago in a fairly small town, but that route should still save you a bundle if it's something you think you'd like to do. What's more it was really easy.
Reply:I would go with small baskets of African violets or orchids. I am not sure what color orchids come in but they are a more summer flower.
Reply:I would go to the flower market and browse for things that look good to you.
If there isn't a flower market you can go to the "flower market" at Hobby Lobby or Garden Ridge. Pull whichever ones look good and play with them until you get the look you want. Even if you aren't doing fakes it will give you a shopping list so you will know you want 5 roses, 3 iris, 6 lavendar...whatever.
Reply:If you use hydrangeas make sure you give them lots of water. They tend to wilt in a bouquet. Look into calla lillies. I don't think they smell as much (or at all) as the white or the stargazer variety.nanny
Flower Help Please!?
A good way to keep cost down is to be sure to pick flowers that are in bloom at that time of year. Late August would be a great time for chrysanthemums. They come in a creamy white and several shades of purple including a lavendar shade and would make lovely bridesmaids bouquets. Baby's breath is also coming into bloom at that time. For the bride's bouquet you could add stephanotis which is a small (inch to inch and a half) white waxy flower and white baby's breath to your rose bouquet.
Congratulations and best of luck! P.S. Irises are spring flowers and would be expensive if they were available at all.
Reply:Carnations are beautiful - gerbera daisies or alstromeria. Check with your local florist for ideas.
Reply:Gerbera daisies. COme in all colors. Calla Lillies.
Reply:Irises are a good flower. The come in several colors including white and different shades of purple. Also they are in season later in the year so they might be cheaper. You could take a few lilac irises and tie them with a silver ribbon for your bridesmaids to carry.
Reply:I am making my own. I am going with a single rose for the girls. You might try roses and irises. I saw it in a magizine and it looked beautiful. I would suggest you get a mag and see what you like. Buy a few fake flowers and just see what looks good to you.
Reply:Hydrangeas are a beautiful flower that comes in many colors. They even come in beautiful shades of lavender. They also come in white. You could have a white bouquet of white hydrangeas and roses and have white roses and lavender hydrangeas in the bridesmaids bouquets. These websites have pretty affordable wholesale options for flowers. Good luck with all your planning!
Reply:You could go to your local craft store and have them make the bouquets out of silk flowers. They are a lost less expensive and you have them as a keepsakes. My colors are lilac and yellow. I found a beautiful bouquet online with nosegays and white roses. If you dont like this particular bouquet then the craft store or florist will have a book with pictures of bouquets for you to look at.
Reply:Anything in the blue/purple/pink range should look pretty, and most flowers look at least pretty good combined with white roses. If you've got a good flower market or open-to-the-public florist's supply, go take a look at what's there and think about how they would look together. Talk to someone who works there about what flowers are easy to work with in your color range, and in season at the time you're getting married.
Some flowers in the color range you might want to take a look at include: heather, lilacs, lavendar, iris. There are also roses that are slightly cool shades of lavendar as opposed to the more common pinks, reds, and whites. You could always mix some of those with the white for a striking and elegant look.
Or, the way I did my flowers was simple. I went to that open-to-the-public florist's supply the day before my wedding, bought some of everything that was long-stemmed and inexpensive that day that seemed to go reasonably together, added in one sheaf of long-stemmed red roses, and tied up sheaf bouquets with red ribbon. Since I didn't need a lot of flowers for table decorations or any other real floral displays (I was getting married in a redwood grove and felt a lot of floral arrangements would be a case of coals to Newcastle!), I was able to get all the flowers I needed for about $35.
That was fourteen years ago in a fairly small town, but that route should still save you a bundle if it's something you think you'd like to do. What's more it was really easy.
Reply:I would go with small baskets of African violets or orchids. I am not sure what color orchids come in but they are a more summer flower.
Reply:I would go to the flower market and browse for things that look good to you.
If there isn't a flower market you can go to the "flower market" at Hobby Lobby or Garden Ridge. Pull whichever ones look good and play with them until you get the look you want. Even if you aren't doing fakes it will give you a shopping list so you will know you want 5 roses, 3 iris, 6 lavendar...whatever.
Reply:If you use hydrangeas make sure you give them lots of water. They tend to wilt in a bouquet. Look into calla lillies. I don't think they smell as much (or at all) as the white or the stargazer variety.nanny
Flower arranging?
I would like to know how to perserve flowers and what flowers are longest lasting in an oasis bouqet. thanks and flower power.
Flower arranging?
most flowers that are "preservable" will do well if you take the entire bouquet out of the vase and turn it upside down. Then tie it together with string , wire, whatever you have, then hang it near a window for a week or so. They will dry beautifully this way and retain more of their color. Roses dry particularly well, but many other flowers do also.As far as your bouquet, just hang the entire bouquet and you will soon know what dries well and what doesn't. Simply remove any flowers that aren't drying well.
Reply:I use Silaca beads to preserve Zinna's and carnations and daisies, but I am not sure what type of flowers are in an oasis bouquet.Shoes
Flower arranging?
most flowers that are "preservable" will do well if you take the entire bouquet out of the vase and turn it upside down. Then tie it together with string , wire, whatever you have, then hang it near a window for a week or so. They will dry beautifully this way and retain more of their color. Roses dry particularly well, but many other flowers do also.As far as your bouquet, just hang the entire bouquet and you will soon know what dries well and what doesn't. Simply remove any flowers that aren't drying well.
Reply:I use Silaca beads to preserve Zinna's and carnations and daisies, but I am not sure what type of flowers are in an oasis bouquet.Shoes
Tank size? Oscar, Flower Horn and Red Devil?
I currently have a 50 gallon tank and started with one tiger oscar that grew to about 5 inches. About a month ago, I added a 3" flower horn and as soon as he was added to the tank, the oscar harrassed him to no end! (suprisingly) It took the flower horn about 2 weeks to come up from hiding and eat and now, the flower horn and oscar have no problems. This past weekend, I added a 4" red devil (he is a little smaller than the oscar and a little bigger than the flower horn). Upon introduction, the flower horn and oscar teamed up on the red devil. They all seem to be getting along fine now. Taking into consideration my tank size and current size of these fish, how fast will they grow and what size tank should I upgrade to and when?
Tank size? Oscar, Flower Horn and Red Devil?
You asked a question previously and didn't like my answer. Now you are simply "fishing" for someone to tell you only what you want to hear rather than the truth.
Here is your previous question:;...
What you want to hear is: SURE, go ahead and keep all those fish together in a 50 gallon tank. The only reason you have problems is because your filter is too small and your fish are stupid.
The TRUTH is: Your 50 gallon tank is too small for even one of your fish. The rest of the truth is in the answer I already gave you.
I'm sure if you keep asking the same question and omitting information and adding new info will eventual lead to you getting an answer that YOU can live with..... but your fish won't.
I'm not trying to be rude. Most of here on Yahoo! Answers provide our time voluntarily to HELP people with questions about fish. It's very frustrating when people use this forum to justify bad fish keeping situations.
Reply:I agree. Tank space is way too small. The red devil will need at least 70 gallons to itseft to be happy and non-competitive.
The oscar and horn at least 50 each.
I also do not agree with the post above metioning disrupting their environment in order to alter thier territories. That shows a lack of understanding of the nature of cichlids and what they need to survive and be happy.
Reply:50 gal, if you have good filtration and don't plan on adding any more fish, you should be fine.
As for the attacking, these are all territorial fish. So any new comer will be attacked.
real easy fix for this, (too late now but maybe next time)
is to rearrange all the stuff in the tank first. To a fish, they have been "moved." Kinda makes the playing field a little more even. To a point. Even this doesn't always work. The new fish will be scared no matter what and the one in the tank already is at home even if you move everything around the more at ease one might still attack the scared one. They can tell.
But it's easy to do and might have prevented some of the fighting.
Another trick is to hold back food for a day or two first. Then as you let the new fish in, feed.
Sometimes the first fish is so busy eating it doesn't even notice a newcomer.
Yea well... oscars are pretty smart. That doesn't always work.
Reply:I'm not even going to use the words and language I used verbally when I read this. In short, did you not do any reading or research on these fish before you just went and bought them???
Ok the Oscar, is not even half the size it's going to get. If you had just that one Oscar, you MIGHT have been ok. That's probably close to a bare minimum you'd want for a single Oscar. Then adding a flowerhorn???? No offense, but what were you thinking? I know they looked small, but they aren't going to stay that size, let alone the compatibility. Again, please try not to take this as rude, but I really found this part funny "as soon as he was added to the tank, the oscar harrassed him to no end! (suprisingly)" You were actually surprised? That really should have been expected then a surprise. You just can't put the two fish of their temperment and nature togeather in a tank so small.
Then adding a Red Devil?? They aren't called Devils just for the heck of it. Basically, what looked like teaming up was just a matter of the Oscar saying, well this is my half of the tank, and the flowerhorn saying this is my half, and the poor red devil having nowhere else to go. They seem fine now yeah, but what you have is a tank with a ticking time bomb.
If you are going to inhabit all three of these fish in the same tank, for territory, waste, surface area, and compatibility purposes, you want to start looking at 150 gallons and up. You just can't keep these fish, growing up togeather or not, in a tank that small and think they are going to make it. You're very liable to have some stunting going on for one, and if not that, they are going to go at each other at some point, you can bank on that.
Sorry if that seemed rough really. I didn't mean it that way, but it is frustrating to see people just buy and plop fish in a tank and not have any idea about compatibility and water needs ect.... Please get them in a very large tank soon, or let them each have their own tank so you don't lose them in fights.
I'd say keep the Oscar, only because I prefer them myself. Just only from my opinion, I think flowerhorns are hideous, but it's only an opinion. I'm sure they are a great fish for those who like them, plus I think a flowerhorn probably is more aggressive as well. The Red Devil is one nasty little bugger for sure. Will want more space and will eat alot as well. Not to say that Oscars don't eat alot, but Oscars have quite a personality over time, and this one you've also had longer. I'd go with the Oscar.
Joshua, actually though, no offence, but moving decorations around is a very common advocated tactic to help keep a cichlid community in balance. I understand your point of view however, but in bigger communities of cichlids, it gives others that might lose a fight a chance to find it's own niche and not just have to hole up in the corner and wait to die. I think the point that poster was making is right, only in a 50 gallon tank, with all three, it's only going to be a VERY short term fix once these fish all start hitting 8 inches and up, so I wouldn't advovate that method based on that.
Reply:Growth rate depends on 2 key factors: how much and how often you feed them, and a second factor is water changes, how much and how often.
If you can upgrade the size of your tank, go as big as you can fit and afford. Consider 2 tanks, maybe one for the oscar and another for the others.
Reply:the oscar needs 75 gallons. the red devil and flowerhorn need 55 gallons a piece. that means about a 180 gallon tank fould be excellent for all these fish.
Reply:Oscars can get up to 12inches..So probably a 75 gallon would be a good tank size
Reply:Man il give you some great advice i have a 50 gallon and i am cyclling at the mo.Jon V is speaking the truth and has helped me with every question i have asked.I wanted an oscar,green terror or other big fish but tank is realisticly not big enough.
I am going for fire mouths as they grow 5" and maybe one or other smaller cichlids,just cause they are small doesnt mean they dont interact and dont make an amazing tank.I had looked at the flower horn saw how big it got and then said no way.You probably couldnt have picked bigger fish and regardless of the fact you probably wont be able to house even one.You are gonna spend a fortune on filters and that.
I would say return two anyway,i think oscar will grow smallest but you need 240 litre for that guy.Im in the same boat as you,tank wise and Jon V has helped me out bigtime.Best of luck man and if you gettin a bigger tank i envy you.
Reply:Oscars and Red Devils require a minimum 50 gallon tank. Flower Horns require a minimum 70 gallon
Tank size? Oscar, Flower Horn and Red Devil?
You asked a question previously and didn't like my answer. Now you are simply "fishing" for someone to tell you only what you want to hear rather than the truth.
Here is your previous question:;...
What you want to hear is: SURE, go ahead and keep all those fish together in a 50 gallon tank. The only reason you have problems is because your filter is too small and your fish are stupid.
The TRUTH is: Your 50 gallon tank is too small for even one of your fish. The rest of the truth is in the answer I already gave you.
I'm sure if you keep asking the same question and omitting information and adding new info will eventual lead to you getting an answer that YOU can live with..... but your fish won't.
I'm not trying to be rude. Most of here on Yahoo! Answers provide our time voluntarily to HELP people with questions about fish. It's very frustrating when people use this forum to justify bad fish keeping situations.
Reply:I agree. Tank space is way too small. The red devil will need at least 70 gallons to itseft to be happy and non-competitive.
The oscar and horn at least 50 each.
I also do not agree with the post above metioning disrupting their environment in order to alter thier territories. That shows a lack of understanding of the nature of cichlids and what they need to survive and be happy.
Reply:50 gal, if you have good filtration and don't plan on adding any more fish, you should be fine.
As for the attacking, these are all territorial fish. So any new comer will be attacked.
real easy fix for this, (too late now but maybe next time)
is to rearrange all the stuff in the tank first. To a fish, they have been "moved." Kinda makes the playing field a little more even. To a point. Even this doesn't always work. The new fish will be scared no matter what and the one in the tank already is at home even if you move everything around the more at ease one might still attack the scared one. They can tell.
But it's easy to do and might have prevented some of the fighting.
Another trick is to hold back food for a day or two first. Then as you let the new fish in, feed.
Sometimes the first fish is so busy eating it doesn't even notice a newcomer.
Yea well... oscars are pretty smart. That doesn't always work.
Reply:I'm not even going to use the words and language I used verbally when I read this. In short, did you not do any reading or research on these fish before you just went and bought them???
Ok the Oscar, is not even half the size it's going to get. If you had just that one Oscar, you MIGHT have been ok. That's probably close to a bare minimum you'd want for a single Oscar. Then adding a flowerhorn???? No offense, but what were you thinking? I know they looked small, but they aren't going to stay that size, let alone the compatibility. Again, please try not to take this as rude, but I really found this part funny "as soon as he was added to the tank, the oscar harrassed him to no end! (suprisingly)" You were actually surprised? That really should have been expected then a surprise. You just can't put the two fish of their temperment and nature togeather in a tank so small.
Then adding a Red Devil?? They aren't called Devils just for the heck of it. Basically, what looked like teaming up was just a matter of the Oscar saying, well this is my half of the tank, and the flowerhorn saying this is my half, and the poor red devil having nowhere else to go. They seem fine now yeah, but what you have is a tank with a ticking time bomb.
If you are going to inhabit all three of these fish in the same tank, for territory, waste, surface area, and compatibility purposes, you want to start looking at 150 gallons and up. You just can't keep these fish, growing up togeather or not, in a tank that small and think they are going to make it. You're very liable to have some stunting going on for one, and if not that, they are going to go at each other at some point, you can bank on that.
Sorry if that seemed rough really. I didn't mean it that way, but it is frustrating to see people just buy and plop fish in a tank and not have any idea about compatibility and water needs ect.... Please get them in a very large tank soon, or let them each have their own tank so you don't lose them in fights.
I'd say keep the Oscar, only because I prefer them myself. Just only from my opinion, I think flowerhorns are hideous, but it's only an opinion. I'm sure they are a great fish for those who like them, plus I think a flowerhorn probably is more aggressive as well. The Red Devil is one nasty little bugger for sure. Will want more space and will eat alot as well. Not to say that Oscars don't eat alot, but Oscars have quite a personality over time, and this one you've also had longer. I'd go with the Oscar.
Joshua, actually though, no offence, but moving decorations around is a very common advocated tactic to help keep a cichlid community in balance. I understand your point of view however, but in bigger communities of cichlids, it gives others that might lose a fight a chance to find it's own niche and not just have to hole up in the corner and wait to die. I think the point that poster was making is right, only in a 50 gallon tank, with all three, it's only going to be a VERY short term fix once these fish all start hitting 8 inches and up, so I wouldn't advovate that method based on that.
Reply:Growth rate depends on 2 key factors: how much and how often you feed them, and a second factor is water changes, how much and how often.
If you can upgrade the size of your tank, go as big as you can fit and afford. Consider 2 tanks, maybe one for the oscar and another for the others.
Reply:the oscar needs 75 gallons. the red devil and flowerhorn need 55 gallons a piece. that means about a 180 gallon tank fould be excellent for all these fish.
Reply:Oscars can get up to 12inches..So probably a 75 gallon would be a good tank size
Reply:Man il give you some great advice i have a 50 gallon and i am cyclling at the mo.Jon V is speaking the truth and has helped me with every question i have asked.I wanted an oscar,green terror or other big fish but tank is realisticly not big enough.
I am going for fire mouths as they grow 5" and maybe one or other smaller cichlids,just cause they are small doesnt mean they dont interact and dont make an amazing tank.I had looked at the flower horn saw how big it got and then said no way.You probably couldnt have picked bigger fish and regardless of the fact you probably wont be able to house even one.You are gonna spend a fortune on filters and that.
I would say return two anyway,i think oscar will grow smallest but you need 240 litre for that guy.Im in the same boat as you,tank wise and Jon V has helped me out bigtime.Best of luck man and if you gettin a bigger tank i envy you.
Reply:Oscars and Red Devils require a minimum 50 gallon tank. Flower Horns require a minimum 70 gallon
Flower Shop Profit Potential?
I'm a Realtor and my mother is looking to open a flower/gift shop - I have found her a great location for $900 including utilities. I live in a busy part of Los Angeles and there are few shops of this nature in my area - in fact whenever we have to buy gifts we have to travel about 15-20 minutes out of our way to do so. We have the money and I have calculated the cost of every gift (chocolates, balloons, and other gifts) but am having trouble estimating the cost and profit potential of the flowers themselves. Let's assume I'm in a busy area open 7 days a week and the demand for such a shop is somewhat in demand - how much am I looking to spend per month on flowers and what's the potential for income if I sell a wide variety of products such as small bouquets, large, specialty orders and things of that nature... Anyone own a shop like this that could offer me some figures? Thanks!
Flower Shop Profit Potential?
I run a business similar to this business. She can be successful but the exact figure that she will make in a month are unknown. She will need to track her P%26amp;L statements each month to come up with those figures. I make around 1K a month. But then I am jsut starting up as well. after a year her P%26amp;L statements will show what she is making and she will be better able to figure out what she will make in a year. But a lot of this will also depend on her customer service skills. She will have to be a people person and do great flower arrangements. This business is not that risky because if for some reason the space was not to work out she could always bring the business home and run it homebased. Good luck.puppy teeth
Flower Shop Profit Potential?
I run a business similar to this business. She can be successful but the exact figure that she will make in a month are unknown. She will need to track her P%26amp;L statements each month to come up with those figures. I make around 1K a month. But then I am jsut starting up as well. after a year her P%26amp;L statements will show what she is making and she will be better able to figure out what she will make in a year. But a lot of this will also depend on her customer service skills. She will have to be a people person and do great flower arrangements. This business is not that risky because if for some reason the space was not to work out she could always bring the business home and run it homebased. Good luck.puppy teeth
Flower Girl Question?
I want to have my two nieces as my flower girls. They will be 9 and 5 by the time I get married in a little over a year. I had heard though, that 9 would be too old for a Flower Girl. What do you think? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. I know it's my wedding, I just don't want my 9 year old niece to be uncomfortable and think she's too old to be a flower girl.
Flower Girl Question?
I found this on the net...hope it helps! Sounds like until she's 12 or older it's not uncommon.
Flower girl(s)
You may choose one or two little girls to be the flower girl(s). The best age range is between four and eight. The younger they are the more of a challenge they can be.
There is no hard and fast rule that a child has to be between these ages to be a flower girl, it is whatever and whoever the bride chooses. However, consider that a 13 year old girl (at that age) would probally rather be called "junior attendant" instead of flower girl. This all depends on the girl and how mature she is.
Little ladies are the norm, but don't forget, cute little boys can fill this role, too. If you don't have any little girls, choose who ever will make it special for you.
Reply:i don't think it's too old at all. I think above 10 should be a junior bridesmaid. 10 and younger are just fine for a flowergirl.
Reply:No, she's not too old at all. It's just that some people have two year olds (ick) so a nine year old seems unusual - but it's not at all.
Reply:9 is not too old to be a flower girl. In fact, I would think the older the better, up to about 13.
Reply:well talk to her bout it and tell her that u wont feel bad if she says no that u just wanna no
Reply:That is not too young at all. She should be thrilled! I would say 11-12 is getting too old for flower girl, but not 9. She's still a little girl.
Reply:Flower girls are usually very young (before age 6). Normally, older girls are considered junior bridesmaids. The differences between the two is that junior bridesmaids don't throw flowers and their dress is usually very similar to a bridesmaid. Junior bridesmaids also stand with the rest of the bridesmaids, usually at the end.
Reply:9yrs old is fine, I would dress her a little different then the flower girl, not as childish looking, more like the bride maids, but not as old and I'm sure she'll be just beautiful. Don't leave her out.
Reply:No, Its not too young at all.
I'm sure She would be delighted to be a flower girl-All the photos,attention and dress!
Good Luck!
Reply:no nine is perfect the younger the increased chances they have of ruining a wedding
Reply:I think 9 is ok...10 or 11 might be too old, that would enter into junior bridesmaid era...but 9 is ok!
Reply:I dont think she'll be too old...
Reply:nine is perfect
9 is sweet!
She's going to be so beautiful as a flower girl
Reply:There is no problem with that....Reebok
P.S. I know it's my wedding, I just don't want my 9 year old niece to be uncomfortable and think she's too old to be a flower girl.
Flower Girl Question?
I found this on the net...hope it helps! Sounds like until she's 12 or older it's not uncommon.
Flower girl(s)
You may choose one or two little girls to be the flower girl(s). The best age range is between four and eight. The younger they are the more of a challenge they can be.
There is no hard and fast rule that a child has to be between these ages to be a flower girl, it is whatever and whoever the bride chooses. However, consider that a 13 year old girl (at that age) would probally rather be called "junior attendant" instead of flower girl. This all depends on the girl and how mature she is.
Little ladies are the norm, but don't forget, cute little boys can fill this role, too. If you don't have any little girls, choose who ever will make it special for you.
Reply:i don't think it's too old at all. I think above 10 should be a junior bridesmaid. 10 and younger are just fine for a flowergirl.
Reply:No, she's not too old at all. It's just that some people have two year olds (ick) so a nine year old seems unusual - but it's not at all.
Reply:9 is not too old to be a flower girl. In fact, I would think the older the better, up to about 13.
Reply:well talk to her bout it and tell her that u wont feel bad if she says no that u just wanna no
Reply:That is not too young at all. She should be thrilled! I would say 11-12 is getting too old for flower girl, but not 9. She's still a little girl.
Reply:Flower girls are usually very young (before age 6). Normally, older girls are considered junior bridesmaids. The differences between the two is that junior bridesmaids don't throw flowers and their dress is usually very similar to a bridesmaid. Junior bridesmaids also stand with the rest of the bridesmaids, usually at the end.
Reply:9yrs old is fine, I would dress her a little different then the flower girl, not as childish looking, more like the bride maids, but not as old and I'm sure she'll be just beautiful. Don't leave her out.
Reply:No, Its not too young at all.
I'm sure She would be delighted to be a flower girl-All the photos,attention and dress!
Good Luck!
Reply:no nine is perfect the younger the increased chances they have of ruining a wedding
Reply:I think 9 is ok...10 or 11 might be too old, that would enter into junior bridesmaid era...but 9 is ok!
Reply:I dont think she'll be too old...
Reply:nine is perfect
9 is sweet!
She's going to be so beautiful as a flower girl
Reply:There is no problem with that....Reebok
Flower tattoos?
im looking for pretty flower designs
and different types or pretty flowers besides ROSES
i want to get some type of flower and vines down my back but i want it to look pretty colorfulllllll yet not ordinary
any ideas
Flower tattoos?
Most flowers have a meaning, so maybe you should consider that when choosing, there's also birth flowers, which can be interesting. If you are choosing a vine then there's wisteria, a good Eastern feel to that, and ipomaea, which works well with hummingbirds.
Reply:The best thing is not to look at flower tattoos but to look at flowers. Grab some books from the library - they have tons! Look up big garden centers online.
Search on tropical flowers - very cool, like birds of paradise or hawaiian ginger....
Reply:maybe something like this?
of course it's just a design, i wouldn't get it exactly like that. maybe make the flowers a little more realistic and add a lot of color to it. i think it would be an awsome tattoo :)
Reply:tattos are stupidloan
and different types or pretty flowers besides ROSES
i want to get some type of flower and vines down my back but i want it to look pretty colorfulllllll yet not ordinary
any ideas
Flower tattoos?
Most flowers have a meaning, so maybe you should consider that when choosing, there's also birth flowers, which can be interesting. If you are choosing a vine then there's wisteria, a good Eastern feel to that, and ipomaea, which works well with hummingbirds.
Reply:The best thing is not to look at flower tattoos but to look at flowers. Grab some books from the library - they have tons! Look up big garden centers online.
Search on tropical flowers - very cool, like birds of paradise or hawaiian ginger....
Reply:maybe something like this?
of course it's just a design, i wouldn't get it exactly like that. maybe make the flowers a little more realistic and add a lot of color to it. i think it would be an awsome tattoo :)
Reply:tattos are stupidloan
Flower Flub-o-rama?
I sent flowers to someone who was moving to Florida for a job promotion. I also sent flowers the same day to a funeral for a friend.
I found out later that the flower shop got the cards mixed up. They sent the card to the guy who was moving that said, "Deepest Condolences," and sent the card to the funeral home that said, "I know it's hot where you're going, but you deserve it."
anyone think it was funny, what out of 10 do you give it
Flower Flub-o-rama?
hahah,'s one for you
sent flowers to someone who was moving to Florida for a job promotion. I also sent flowers the same day to a funeral for a friend.
I found out later that the flower shop got the cards mixed up. They sent the card to the guy who was moving that said, "Deepest Condolences," and sent the card to the funeral home that said, "I know it's hot where you're going, but you deserve it."c++
I found out later that the flower shop got the cards mixed up. They sent the card to the guy who was moving that said, "Deepest Condolences," and sent the card to the funeral home that said, "I know it's hot where you're going, but you deserve it."
anyone think it was funny, what out of 10 do you give it
Flower Flub-o-rama?
hahah,'s one for you
sent flowers to someone who was moving to Florida for a job promotion. I also sent flowers the same day to a funeral for a friend.
I found out later that the flower shop got the cards mixed up. They sent the card to the guy who was moving that said, "Deepest Condolences," and sent the card to the funeral home that said, "I know it's hot where you're going, but you deserve it."c++
Flower Horn?
Whoever can give me a picture of a giant flower horn will win 10 points. I will accept the picture in any way that includes through aim, through youtube, through a google link, and pretty much anything else. The reason i want this is because today i boughta 5 foot long arrowana that ate my flower horn, so now im looking for a flower horn to eat my arrowana
Flower Horn?
Why dont you try asking this question in riddles section ? This is a place for serious and sensible questions from people who are really seeking answers..
are we still talking pets????
Reply:Here are several:
Hope this helps!
Flower Horn?
Why dont you try asking this question in riddles section ? This is a place for serious and sensible questions from people who are really seeking answers..
are we still talking pets????
Reply:Here are several:
Hope this helps!
Flowers down aisle without a flower girl?
I love the look of flower petals on the church aisle but we are not having a flower girl. I was thinking that if we used an aisle runner down the center of the aisle (that would be pulled out just before I come down it) we could have the petals already placed along the edges of the aisle prior to the ceremony starting... do you think that would work or are there other alternatives that might work better?
Flowers down aisle without a flower girl?
I don't see why you couldn't have the petals already lying on the ground. I'm getting married outside and my "aisle" will be in the grass so I'm going to have the petals already tossed around. I don't have a flower girl or ring bearer, and my one bridesmaid is in a wheelchair (but says she's gonna try her crutches the day of) so she will be too busy to toss petals herself. I agree with the idea of seating everyone from the opposite side of the church to avoid disturbing the petals, but I don't really think they would be messed up too much, after all, they are meant to look "messy."
Good luck and congrats on your wedding, I hope its a magical day. :-)
Reply:Your florist should be able to do this for you. Most pictures in magazines and such that do this have the aisle roped off until the bride makes her entrance and guests are seated from the opposite ends so as not to disturb the petals.
Reply:I am doing flowers down my aisle with no flower girl, I don't think there is any problem with that. You could also just lay the petals on the edges of the aisle along the pews or chairs for a great look, also. Or go with your idea, and do a trial run to make sure the flowers lay well after laying down the runner. Either way, I don't think you need a flower girl to have flowers on your aisle!
Good luck!
Reply:You can have some bridesmaids throw some pedals down.... or the ring bearer. I've seen both done and it was very nice and the pedals were down before the bride made her entrance!
Reply:Its your wedding and if you like the look of it then who cares what others think? This is your wedding and not to sound bridezilla-esque its your day, if the above idea sounds perfect to you then that is all that matters.
Reply:I'm having that, we are gonna have a lot of flowers on the floor you could have something like this
This is a little much but I like the color combinations
Reply:I think it will be fine.
I'm having a rose petal aisle, but it will be outside.visual arts
Flowers down aisle without a flower girl?
I don't see why you couldn't have the petals already lying on the ground. I'm getting married outside and my "aisle" will be in the grass so I'm going to have the petals already tossed around. I don't have a flower girl or ring bearer, and my one bridesmaid is in a wheelchair (but says she's gonna try her crutches the day of) so she will be too busy to toss petals herself. I agree with the idea of seating everyone from the opposite side of the church to avoid disturbing the petals, but I don't really think they would be messed up too much, after all, they are meant to look "messy."
Good luck and congrats on your wedding, I hope its a magical day. :-)
Reply:Your florist should be able to do this for you. Most pictures in magazines and such that do this have the aisle roped off until the bride makes her entrance and guests are seated from the opposite ends so as not to disturb the petals.
Reply:I am doing flowers down my aisle with no flower girl, I don't think there is any problem with that. You could also just lay the petals on the edges of the aisle along the pews or chairs for a great look, also. Or go with your idea, and do a trial run to make sure the flowers lay well after laying down the runner. Either way, I don't think you need a flower girl to have flowers on your aisle!
Good luck!
Reply:You can have some bridesmaids throw some pedals down.... or the ring bearer. I've seen both done and it was very nice and the pedals were down before the bride made her entrance!
Reply:Its your wedding and if you like the look of it then who cares what others think? This is your wedding and not to sound bridezilla-esque its your day, if the above idea sounds perfect to you then that is all that matters.
Reply:I'm having that, we are gonna have a lot of flowers on the floor you could have something like this
This is a little much but I like the color combinations
Reply:I think it will be fine.
I'm having a rose petal aisle, but it will be outside.visual arts
What is this flower? Blue Mountain Flower?
I am looking for information on a mountain flower found in the Pyrenees mountain range in Spain. This flower has blue petals surrounding a pure white center. They grow in the mountain hills of Bonaigua Pass, Catalonia - I found a picture of them online...but above is all I can find out about them. I am attaching a link to their picture
My friends says they may be a type of flowering grass. I think they are beautiful. Thinking of using them as part of a tattoo...if I can find out more about them.
What is this flower? Blue Mountain Flower?
I think they are a species of gentian, which is a large family include all sorts of beautiful flowers.
Short leaved gentian:
Reply:The previous answer is right on the ball, I believe. Clicking thru the wikipedia he posted I did a google image search on something that looked like your flower:;q=...
Visually, the elements from your photo do match the ones in the search. I'm no botanist, so there maybe something I'm missing, but the petal shape, colors, clustering, and general arrangement of the flower itself seems to be dead tips
My friends says they may be a type of flowering grass. I think they are beautiful. Thinking of using them as part of a tattoo...if I can find out more about them.
What is this flower? Blue Mountain Flower?
I think they are a species of gentian, which is a large family include all sorts of beautiful flowers.
Short leaved gentian:
Reply:The previous answer is right on the ball, I believe. Clicking thru the wikipedia he posted I did a google image search on something that looked like your flower:;q=...
Visually, the elements from your photo do match the ones in the search. I'm no botanist, so there maybe something I'm missing, but the petal shape, colors, clustering, and general arrangement of the flower itself seems to be dead tips
Flower Girl Stories?
My friends and I were talking one day at lunch about flower girl stories. It seemed that all of us had something to say about our past experiences as a flower girl. Do you guys have some "lol moments" as a flower girl? I would tell you mine, but i dont think i have enough space... :P
Flower Girl Stories?
I was a flower girl twice. Once when I was 4 and once when I was five.
The only memory I have is that I loved my dress and had to wear it for months after wards. It was pink and white with lots of frills. One of the weddings was in June and I have a picture of myself wearing it in December for Christmas :o) I think I must've thought I was beautiful! lol
good question, makes me smile
Reply:I was never a flower girl personally but I thought the story from my parents wedding was kinda funny. They didn't have a flower girl but they had my cousin as their "junior bride". She walked the whole way down the aisle with her tongue hanging out.
Reply:this question makes me nervous, my oldest son is getting married in June, my 4 year old triplets (two girls and one boy)
are going to be the flower tossers, they have been practicing around the house now for a couple of weeks, but who knows what will happen that day.
Reply:O come on, we want to hear your story!
I was a flower girl twice. Before I was one for my oldest sister's wedding, she said I could only be in that position if I stopped walking pigeon-toed!
I was 8. I had to practice for hours and hours on the tiled floor in our rumpus room, lining up my feet properly. So, yes, I did it - and got to wear the cool pink satin gown and pink shoes with big flowers on them! I looked gorgeous and walked properly!
Reply:I was a flower girl in my aunts wedding. I had the flu really bad and my mom said that she was praying that wouldn't puke as I was walking down the aisle. When I got up front I kept wanting to sit down and put my basket down. My mom kept saying to me stand up and hold the basket but I would stand and then sit back down. When my aunt got married she said that I had to give up my blankie so she threw it into the hotel trash can assuming that she would pull it out after the reception. Maid service came through and took out the trash with my blankie before we came back to the room. So I was so upset and crying that I didn't have it so my dad went dumpster diving to find my blankie for me! Yeah! We still have it today!
Reply:I was a flower girl with my sister. We were really good kids growing up so we never did anything too crazy, but there was another little girl who was a flower girl with us at my aunts fisrt wedding. It was a catholic ceremony so she had the big, gorgeous white dress with the HUGE train. The little girl crawled under my aunts dress and yelled "wow, its like a tent in here!!!" then she popped out and pulled the ring bearer in with her. My poor aunt!!
Reply:never had a flower girl but our kids' weddings:
one flower girl was only two and believe it or not after much practising was perfect walking down the aisle, held her flower basket just right, and was the cutest little tyke you have ever seen. she got to the alter, turned around and curtsied to the 'audience' and was a perfect angel.
second wedding: flower girl was five, everything was fine til she saw the ring bearer. apparently at the rehearsal the night before he tried to kiss her, [he was four], and she was quite annoyed with him but mummy stepped in and told her to behave. sadly during the wedding procession mummy couldn't get to the front of the church quick enough to stop her little angel from jumping the poor boy, sitting on him and pummelling him unmercifully! he was howling, she was yelling 'don't kiss me anymore' and the guests were on the floor laughing their butts off! their wedding photos show the ring bearer with a bloody lip, and black eye. the flower girl with her dress all bloody and her curls all askew, and the rest of the bridal party with great smirks on their faces!
third wedding: flower girl is three, does everything perfectly fine til the preacher starts the service. for some unknown reason the child then decided she should sing a song. she wouldn't stop and finally her dad had to carry her out all the while her screaming at the top of her lungs that she hadn't finished her song.
last but not least was the flower girl in our wild child's wedding who decided half way down the aisle that her tights 'itched' her and she plunked her tiny little butt down on the floor and proceeded to strip! well, i have to tell you, it was hilarious and when people started laughing at the sight she scolded them for being rude!
i have to tell you, no wedding is complete without a child! they bring such laughter and joy into the day and even though sometimes its embarassing - everyone gets such a kick out of their antics!
Reply:I was so nervous when I was the flower girl in my sister's wedding that all the pictures taken of me the basket is blurry because my hands were shaking so hard. Someone should have told me it was going to be ok.
Reply:At my first wedding my 3 year old flower girl stole the show. She kept tipping her flower basket upside down all the way up the aisle and when the flowers fell out she said a loud "woopsie" and had to pick up the flowers.
Then when we got out the front she starts picking people out of the crowd "Oh look! there's grandma...Hello grandma" waving frantically "Auntie Jo...hello auntie jo, look at me dont I look pretty?" "Hello, hello everyone" Waving all the time. Then in a very loud voice...."Mummy....I need to go Pee" So a very red faced Mum had to get up and sneak to the side, grab the flowergirl and take her to the toilet. Everyone was laughing so much it was hard to get on with the wedding.
Oh and at my nieces wedding the flowergirl was so nervous she kept puking before the wedding and after the ceremony had to run outside and puke in the church garden. EEEEWwww.
I am having two flowergirls in my july wedding. Hope they behave :-(books authors
Flower Girl Stories?
I was a flower girl twice. Once when I was 4 and once when I was five.
The only memory I have is that I loved my dress and had to wear it for months after wards. It was pink and white with lots of frills. One of the weddings was in June and I have a picture of myself wearing it in December for Christmas :o) I think I must've thought I was beautiful! lol
good question, makes me smile
Reply:I was never a flower girl personally but I thought the story from my parents wedding was kinda funny. They didn't have a flower girl but they had my cousin as their "junior bride". She walked the whole way down the aisle with her tongue hanging out.
Reply:this question makes me nervous, my oldest son is getting married in June, my 4 year old triplets (two girls and one boy)
are going to be the flower tossers, they have been practicing around the house now for a couple of weeks, but who knows what will happen that day.
Reply:O come on, we want to hear your story!
I was a flower girl twice. Before I was one for my oldest sister's wedding, she said I could only be in that position if I stopped walking pigeon-toed!
I was 8. I had to practice for hours and hours on the tiled floor in our rumpus room, lining up my feet properly. So, yes, I did it - and got to wear the cool pink satin gown and pink shoes with big flowers on them! I looked gorgeous and walked properly!
Reply:I was a flower girl in my aunts wedding. I had the flu really bad and my mom said that she was praying that wouldn't puke as I was walking down the aisle. When I got up front I kept wanting to sit down and put my basket down. My mom kept saying to me stand up and hold the basket but I would stand and then sit back down. When my aunt got married she said that I had to give up my blankie so she threw it into the hotel trash can assuming that she would pull it out after the reception. Maid service came through and took out the trash with my blankie before we came back to the room. So I was so upset and crying that I didn't have it so my dad went dumpster diving to find my blankie for me! Yeah! We still have it today!
Reply:I was a flower girl with my sister. We were really good kids growing up so we never did anything too crazy, but there was another little girl who was a flower girl with us at my aunts fisrt wedding. It was a catholic ceremony so she had the big, gorgeous white dress with the HUGE train. The little girl crawled under my aunts dress and yelled "wow, its like a tent in here!!!" then she popped out and pulled the ring bearer in with her. My poor aunt!!
Reply:never had a flower girl but our kids' weddings:
one flower girl was only two and believe it or not after much practising was perfect walking down the aisle, held her flower basket just right, and was the cutest little tyke you have ever seen. she got to the alter, turned around and curtsied to the 'audience' and was a perfect angel.
second wedding: flower girl was five, everything was fine til she saw the ring bearer. apparently at the rehearsal the night before he tried to kiss her, [he was four], and she was quite annoyed with him but mummy stepped in and told her to behave. sadly during the wedding procession mummy couldn't get to the front of the church quick enough to stop her little angel from jumping the poor boy, sitting on him and pummelling him unmercifully! he was howling, she was yelling 'don't kiss me anymore' and the guests were on the floor laughing their butts off! their wedding photos show the ring bearer with a bloody lip, and black eye. the flower girl with her dress all bloody and her curls all askew, and the rest of the bridal party with great smirks on their faces!
third wedding: flower girl is three, does everything perfectly fine til the preacher starts the service. for some unknown reason the child then decided she should sing a song. she wouldn't stop and finally her dad had to carry her out all the while her screaming at the top of her lungs that she hadn't finished her song.
last but not least was the flower girl in our wild child's wedding who decided half way down the aisle that her tights 'itched' her and she plunked her tiny little butt down on the floor and proceeded to strip! well, i have to tell you, it was hilarious and when people started laughing at the sight she scolded them for being rude!
i have to tell you, no wedding is complete without a child! they bring such laughter and joy into the day and even though sometimes its embarassing - everyone gets such a kick out of their antics!
Reply:I was so nervous when I was the flower girl in my sister's wedding that all the pictures taken of me the basket is blurry because my hands were shaking so hard. Someone should have told me it was going to be ok.
Reply:At my first wedding my 3 year old flower girl stole the show. She kept tipping her flower basket upside down all the way up the aisle and when the flowers fell out she said a loud "woopsie" and had to pick up the flowers.
Then when we got out the front she starts picking people out of the crowd "Oh look! there's grandma...Hello grandma" waving frantically "Auntie Jo...hello auntie jo, look at me dont I look pretty?" "Hello, hello everyone" Waving all the time. Then in a very loud voice...."Mummy....I need to go Pee" So a very red faced Mum had to get up and sneak to the side, grab the flowergirl and take her to the toilet. Everyone was laughing so much it was hard to get on with the wedding.
Oh and at my nieces wedding the flowergirl was so nervous she kept puking before the wedding and after the ceremony had to run outside and puke in the church garden. EEEEWwww.
I am having two flowergirls in my july wedding. Hope they behave :-(books authors
Help identifying a flower?
I need help on identifying a flower plant. It is for my science fair and I need the name of the flower to put in my daily logs. From what I see, the plant's leaves are thick compared to other plant's leaves. The leaves look completely different than any other plant. When the flower blooms from the plant, it is a little bit pink and white. If you know what kind of flower/plant I am talking about, please tell me the name and pictures to confirm it is the exact flower I am looking for.
Help identifying a flower?
Sorry but your description is not going to be much help... You need to go into great detail with the characteristics of the plant or post a photo online (best option). Just provide a lot more detail and we should be able help!make up
Help identifying a flower?
Sorry but your description is not going to be much help... You need to go into great detail with the characteristics of the plant or post a photo online (best option). Just provide a lot more detail and we should be able help!make up
Flower Girl dress?
How shold I go about the flower girl dress? I am giving my bridesmaids the option of dress (I am picking out 6-7 dresses and they can pick 1 from those) but I don't knwo what to do with the flower girl dress. The flower girl is my fiancee's cousin's daughter
Do I pick out a few dresses that I like and tell the mother or do I just tell the mom some generallized things of what I would like (ivory, long, etc.) and send her a picture of my wedding dress so she can have it match slightly?
Flower Girl dress?
I would send a pic of your gown...and give a gentle generalization.
Paying $100 and up for an adult gown is one thing..paying the crown jewels for a child's dress is a different critter.
She may have a communion dress that she can wear...or can duel purpose your flower girl dress! That would be great!
A friend told me she got a custom made dress on ebay for her daughter for $25.00!
I saw the dress...and this friend has IMPECABLE taste (sephora, coach, louis, klein..etc..) and the dress was amazing!
Reply:I would definitely tell the mother that you need to approve the dress. Also, someone else suggested eBay. I have friends that have found lovely flower girl dresses on eBay--worn once and in perfect shape!
Reply:Pick it out yourself so you will know the exact look you want for her and your wedding. PPl tend to have a different vision then what you are actually looking for.
Reply:There are some lovely dresses on - some white, some coloured, depending upon what you want. They are beautiful, but way less expensive than 'wedding' site dresses. Another option is to look for First Communion dresses.
Reply:I picked out the pattern that I wanted for the flowergirls (we had 3 of them) and my stepMIL had a friend of hers make them.
Reply:I'm not sure wht to do here either but i think i'll pick a few that i like, one that matches me, one that matches the colour of the bridesmaids and a few others and then take the flower girls and their mother to see them all and see which one comes out on top, you have the casting vote :)
Reply:I would pick it if I were you. I am in the middle of planning a wedding too and I am discovering that when you give people the option to do things, they tend to do what they want and not what you want. I would pick it out and have them pick it up or do the things necessary to have it ready. Congratulations!
Reply:Its up to you, whatever you want her to look like, you or the bridesmaids...or totally different!
you may run across something you love for the flowergirl in the regular kids departments, especailly with Easter coming up.
My bridesmaids wore jade green and carried purple flowers, but I wanted my flowergirl to look like a girl, and I wanted her to be able to wear the dress again. Gowns are such a big expense, and theres really no where else for a little girl to wear it. We found a beautiful regular dress with flower print in lighter shades of the purple and green.
she looked fabulous!
*EDIT* since you are so far away and cannot go together to pick something out, I would say find out her size and choose something for her, or find something at a chain store (like davids bridal, jcpenney, or sears), so they can try on the same one where they live.
Reply:For me, my flower girl was hard to fit, she's so skinney so I just let her mother shop. She picked out several that fit, then I decided which one I liked the most.make up
Do I pick out a few dresses that I like and tell the mother or do I just tell the mom some generallized things of what I would like (ivory, long, etc.) and send her a picture of my wedding dress so she can have it match slightly?
Flower Girl dress?
I would send a pic of your gown...and give a gentle generalization.
Paying $100 and up for an adult gown is one thing..paying the crown jewels for a child's dress is a different critter.
She may have a communion dress that she can wear...or can duel purpose your flower girl dress! That would be great!
A friend told me she got a custom made dress on ebay for her daughter for $25.00!
I saw the dress...and this friend has IMPECABLE taste (sephora, coach, louis, klein..etc..) and the dress was amazing!
Reply:I would definitely tell the mother that you need to approve the dress. Also, someone else suggested eBay. I have friends that have found lovely flower girl dresses on eBay--worn once and in perfect shape!
Reply:Pick it out yourself so you will know the exact look you want for her and your wedding. PPl tend to have a different vision then what you are actually looking for.
Reply:There are some lovely dresses on - some white, some coloured, depending upon what you want. They are beautiful, but way less expensive than 'wedding' site dresses. Another option is to look for First Communion dresses.
Reply:I picked out the pattern that I wanted for the flowergirls (we had 3 of them) and my stepMIL had a friend of hers make them.
Reply:I'm not sure wht to do here either but i think i'll pick a few that i like, one that matches me, one that matches the colour of the bridesmaids and a few others and then take the flower girls and their mother to see them all and see which one comes out on top, you have the casting vote :)
Reply:I would pick it if I were you. I am in the middle of planning a wedding too and I am discovering that when you give people the option to do things, they tend to do what they want and not what you want. I would pick it out and have them pick it up or do the things necessary to have it ready. Congratulations!
Reply:Its up to you, whatever you want her to look like, you or the bridesmaids...or totally different!
you may run across something you love for the flowergirl in the regular kids departments, especailly with Easter coming up.
My bridesmaids wore jade green and carried purple flowers, but I wanted my flowergirl to look like a girl, and I wanted her to be able to wear the dress again. Gowns are such a big expense, and theres really no where else for a little girl to wear it. We found a beautiful regular dress with flower print in lighter shades of the purple and green.
she looked fabulous!
*EDIT* since you are so far away and cannot go together to pick something out, I would say find out her size and choose something for her, or find something at a chain store (like davids bridal, jcpenney, or sears), so they can try on the same one where they live.
Reply:For me, my flower girl was hard to fit, she's so skinney so I just let her mother shop. She picked out several that fit, then I decided which one I liked the most.make up
What type of flower........?
alright, this is what i am trying to do. i am wanting to give somebody a gift in a small flower pot with just one, pretty flower . i need a flower that, one, is very pretty, can grow in a small pot, can grow inside (with a decent amount of sunlight) and will live for a fairly long time given its taken care of properly.
what i want is, when i give the gift, for the plant to just be a small sprout and over the next about 2 weeks to grow a decent amount into the flower.
if anybody even understands what im talking about give me a hand. somebody who knows a thing or two about flowers.
What type of flower........?
I am a Marigold freak since insects hate them-----they need a lot of light---perhaps someone out here can advise if this would be OK indoors and how fast it grows--------I grow them between my tomato plants to help keep insects away and it works remarkably well.----I find them in orange and yellow-----they are sooooo pretty.
Reply:gerber daisies,orchids,african violet,geraniums,begonias...
Reply:I would say an orchid, but make sure you know how to take care of the plant you get, ask the florist.
Reply:my first girl friend gave me a chinese hibiscus10 years ago.
It's still flowering in my living room.
to answer your question: it can grow tall and big, but you can cut back to have it in a smaller pot, and also depends on what kind you have. I have the one which doesn't take much space.
Reply:It's not a good idea to sprout a seed indoors. Without supplemental light, it won't grow right. You might go with a bulb like a Easter Lilly or an orchid. You might be able to find a Lilly that hasn't budded out yet. It would do well. You could also try an African Violet, but they are really high disease
what i want is, when i give the gift, for the plant to just be a small sprout and over the next about 2 weeks to grow a decent amount into the flower.
if anybody even understands what im talking about give me a hand. somebody who knows a thing or two about flowers.
What type of flower........?
I am a Marigold freak since insects hate them-----they need a lot of light---perhaps someone out here can advise if this would be OK indoors and how fast it grows--------I grow them between my tomato plants to help keep insects away and it works remarkably well.----I find them in orange and yellow-----they are sooooo pretty.
Reply:gerber daisies,orchids,african violet,geraniums,begonias...
Reply:I would say an orchid, but make sure you know how to take care of the plant you get, ask the florist.
Reply:my first girl friend gave me a chinese hibiscus10 years ago.
It's still flowering in my living room.
to answer your question: it can grow tall and big, but you can cut back to have it in a smaller pot, and also depends on what kind you have. I have the one which doesn't take much space.
Reply:It's not a good idea to sprout a seed indoors. Without supplemental light, it won't grow right. You might go with a bulb like a Easter Lilly or an orchid. You might be able to find a Lilly that hasn't budded out yet. It would do well. You could also try an African Violet, but they are really high disease
Flower help, I give up?
I'm trying to find a site with a list of flower names and a picture of the flower that goes with the name, I have found lists of names but that doesn't help me
I have these deep pink flowers I got at home depot, and didn't get the name tag, and I can't find a site that will help me identify them
Flower help, I give up?
get a book
Neucomb's Wildflower book
you will probably get much use from it
could be impatiens, geraniums, phlox, kalanchoe
Reply:I agree that you should find a way to post a picture of the flowers online. You'll have an answer right away.
Is it a houseplant or something that you plant outside in your yard? A soft-stemmed plant or a shrub? Shiny leaves or fuzzy leaves? Big flowers or little flowers? Flowers single or in a clump? How wide is a single flower?
It shows the plants for sale at Home Depot ... photos and names.
Reply:Call up the Home Depot where you got them from and speak to someone in the Garden department. They are probably a popular domestic variety of local garden plant, not sth you could identify from a wildflower book.
Reply:use a website called tinypic or imageshack to post digital images of the flower online and then copy the address into your question so that people can get a look at this plant. someones bound to knoow if you can show them a picture.
Reply:try hallmrk.comcomputer
I have these deep pink flowers I got at home depot, and didn't get the name tag, and I can't find a site that will help me identify them
Flower help, I give up?
get a book
Neucomb's Wildflower book
you will probably get much use from it
could be impatiens, geraniums, phlox, kalanchoe
Reply:I agree that you should find a way to post a picture of the flowers online. You'll have an answer right away.
Is it a houseplant or something that you plant outside in your yard? A soft-stemmed plant or a shrub? Shiny leaves or fuzzy leaves? Big flowers or little flowers? Flowers single or in a clump? How wide is a single flower?
It shows the plants for sale at Home Depot ... photos and names.
Reply:Call up the Home Depot where you got them from and speak to someone in the Garden department. They are probably a popular domestic variety of local garden plant, not sth you could identify from a wildflower book.
Reply:use a website called tinypic or imageshack to post digital images of the flower online and then copy the address into your question so that people can get a look at this plant. someones bound to knoow if you can show them a picture.
Reply:try hallmrk.comcomputer
FLOWER EXPERT? I'm designing a tattoo of oriental poppies. Are there flowers that "go" with them in gardening?
I'm looking for 1-2 more flower varieties to create a "bouquet" effect in the drawing. Whether you think of folklore, climate, location...just looking for flowers that compliment poppies. Thank you!
FLOWER EXPERT? I'm designing a tattoo of oriental poppies. Are there flowers that "go" with them in gardening?
Nasturtiums and marijuana, oddly enough. If you don't want the distinctive 'mary jane' plant, I would put in either chrysanthemum or jade plant...sounds very colorful. Congratulations.White Teeth
FLOWER EXPERT? I'm designing a tattoo of oriental poppies. Are there flowers that "go" with them in gardening?
Nasturtiums and marijuana, oddly enough. If you don't want the distinctive 'mary jane' plant, I would put in either chrysanthemum or jade plant...sounds very colorful. Congratulations.White Teeth
Flower girls and ring bearers?
I will have 2 flower girls and 2 ring bearers in my wedding. My question is my fiance will have a black suit black shirt w/ white vest/tie and so will one ring bearer. the groomsmens will have black on black w/ red tie/vest and so wil lthe other ringbearer. the flower girls will have a dress closely matching mine theirs is also white but theyll wear a red sash so it doesnt seem like too much. Is that lame? He said about theyll look like a miniture bride and groom. I thought it was cute. At least its cute in those pics of kids dressed up as brides and grooms..would it not b so cute in real life?
also we will have a smaller wedding of around 150-200 guests.
what r ur thoughts of having an usher to help seat the guests (there will only b a moh and man and groomsmen) the reson for 2 flower girls and ringbears is i have 2 neices and a nephew he has a nephew and we tried but we just cant choose between them theyll all b so precious dressed up!!
Flower girls and ring bearers?
It's fine! I think it would look very cute.
Besides, he can't complain now when he probably wasn't jumping at the chance to help when you picked the outfits out to begin with!
Reply:I think it is fine...I am only having one ring bearer and flower girl but they are matching us almost to a T and no one has even batted an eye about it. I would have had more than one if I could but I only have 1 neice and 1 nephew that are in the proper age group.
I don't think that it is unreasonable to have the groomsmen or the usher do the seating. I am getting married in a couple of weeks and I only have on person seating the guest and I am having about 140 guest.
Reply:With both sets of kids being mini brides and grooms, both ring bearers should be dressed the same. Yeah, cute.
Of course you need ushers to help seat the guests at church, at least two.
Reply:Have all of them. It will look cute for them to look like miniature brides %26amp; grooms, just dress the boys the same.
Also your groomsmen are your ushers.
Reply:I wouldnt dress the boys in different vests, keep them both in red, you and the groom should be the only ones uniquely dressed. Everyone else should be uniformed, especially if you have the flower girls uniformed, it would look odd if you had the boys dressed different than each other. One to look like the groom and one to look like the Best man, it would only look right if you had the mini bride and then the other girl in a dress like your MOH's, which would really be weird! I vote they both go in the red vests.
You are supposed to have 1 usher per 50 guests, so you may want to enlist some extra help since you will only have 1, or just have the usher hand out the programs and let people seat themselves. Otherwise, if you leave it to 1 person, you may have a delay because the poor guy will be running ragged trying to get everyone seated, and people will have to wait for him because he is only 1 guy.
PS I have to laugh, I think its so sweet and such a testament to how different things are around the country. 150-200 is a very large wedding in my social circle, and I think its so funny that you think its a small wedding!
Have a great day!
Reply:I think the kids will look adorable but I do agree with those people who are suggesting that the two ring bearers should match.
And the ushers sound fine. I had just over 100 people at my wedding and we had 2 ushers (a good use of our brothers who weren't in the wedding party). The use of ushers is based more on the size of the guest list and not the size of the wedding party.
Reply:Traditionally, the flower girl matches the bride - not the bridesmaids, so I think your idea is VERY cute!!!
Reply:Don't worry about it, it sounds like a super cute idea :)
Reply:I think that sounds fine. What I finally decided (after weeks of agonizing) is that you should have who you want to have in your wedding, regardless if it seems a bit "over the top." You can have ushers in addition to your groomsmen, or you can use the groomsmen (with the exception of the best man) as the ushers. However you want to do it will be fine.
Reply:I think it will be adorable. Many brides do that for their wedding that is why they make flower girl dresses and tuxes to match the bride and groom. I think having ushers would be a good idea if you have some family members or friends you would like to include. It is nice for the mothers of the groom and bride to be ushered to their seats. However, if there really isnt anyone you are wanting to include then dont worry about it. Congrats on your wedding.
Reply:I think that's the idea, they are suppose to be mini bride and grooms. At least I know the flower girl is suppose to resemble the bride.
The only suggestion I have is, I would put both the ring bearers in the black w/red tie and vest, rather than with the white tie and vest.affiliate reviews
also we will have a smaller wedding of around 150-200 guests.
what r ur thoughts of having an usher to help seat the guests (there will only b a moh and man and groomsmen) the reson for 2 flower girls and ringbears is i have 2 neices and a nephew he has a nephew and we tried but we just cant choose between them theyll all b so precious dressed up!!
Flower girls and ring bearers?
It's fine! I think it would look very cute.
Besides, he can't complain now when he probably wasn't jumping at the chance to help when you picked the outfits out to begin with!
Reply:I think it is fine...I am only having one ring bearer and flower girl but they are matching us almost to a T and no one has even batted an eye about it. I would have had more than one if I could but I only have 1 neice and 1 nephew that are in the proper age group.
I don't think that it is unreasonable to have the groomsmen or the usher do the seating. I am getting married in a couple of weeks and I only have on person seating the guest and I am having about 140 guest.
Reply:With both sets of kids being mini brides and grooms, both ring bearers should be dressed the same. Yeah, cute.
Of course you need ushers to help seat the guests at church, at least two.
Reply:Have all of them. It will look cute for them to look like miniature brides %26amp; grooms, just dress the boys the same.
Also your groomsmen are your ushers.
Reply:I wouldnt dress the boys in different vests, keep them both in red, you and the groom should be the only ones uniquely dressed. Everyone else should be uniformed, especially if you have the flower girls uniformed, it would look odd if you had the boys dressed different than each other. One to look like the groom and one to look like the Best man, it would only look right if you had the mini bride and then the other girl in a dress like your MOH's, which would really be weird! I vote they both go in the red vests.
You are supposed to have 1 usher per 50 guests, so you may want to enlist some extra help since you will only have 1, or just have the usher hand out the programs and let people seat themselves. Otherwise, if you leave it to 1 person, you may have a delay because the poor guy will be running ragged trying to get everyone seated, and people will have to wait for him because he is only 1 guy.
PS I have to laugh, I think its so sweet and such a testament to how different things are around the country. 150-200 is a very large wedding in my social circle, and I think its so funny that you think its a small wedding!
Have a great day!
Reply:I think the kids will look adorable but I do agree with those people who are suggesting that the two ring bearers should match.
And the ushers sound fine. I had just over 100 people at my wedding and we had 2 ushers (a good use of our brothers who weren't in the wedding party). The use of ushers is based more on the size of the guest list and not the size of the wedding party.
Reply:Traditionally, the flower girl matches the bride - not the bridesmaids, so I think your idea is VERY cute!!!
Reply:Don't worry about it, it sounds like a super cute idea :)
Reply:I think that sounds fine. What I finally decided (after weeks of agonizing) is that you should have who you want to have in your wedding, regardless if it seems a bit "over the top." You can have ushers in addition to your groomsmen, or you can use the groomsmen (with the exception of the best man) as the ushers. However you want to do it will be fine.
Reply:I think it will be adorable. Many brides do that for their wedding that is why they make flower girl dresses and tuxes to match the bride and groom. I think having ushers would be a good idea if you have some family members or friends you would like to include. It is nice for the mothers of the groom and bride to be ushered to their seats. However, if there really isnt anyone you are wanting to include then dont worry about it. Congrats on your wedding.
Reply:I think that's the idea, they are suppose to be mini bride and grooms. At least I know the flower girl is suppose to resemble the bride.
The only suggestion I have is, I would put both the ring bearers in the black w/red tie and vest, rather than with the white tie and vest.affiliate reviews
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