Friday, March 12, 2010

Passion Flower Vine (Passaflora)?

I bought a Passion Flower vine this spring and planted it. It grew beautifully and vined all up and around the trellis just as I wanted it to. I have it in a mostly sunny area.The vine is sturdy, heathly and strong but there are no flowers. Does anyone know if you need a male and female plant or something like that to get blooms and flowers?

And if so, can you tell a male from a female plant?

Passion Flower Vine (Passaflora)?
I don't believe you need a male and female. I dug two plants from the forest near my property and planted them at the front porch trelis. I thought I may need a male and female. So I took one from one place and another from another place hoping to get a male and female. Neither bloomed the first year, however this year both bloomed and both bore passion fruit. Such a beautiful flower with good fragrance and a good tasting fruit. I had spent some time in Hawaii and had eaten the passion fruit there which was the same as a fruit I had eaten when growing up in Arkansas. And behold it was a passion fruit also. So now have a good producer of passion fruit. Note: The fruit is delicious when mixed with lemon ade.
Reply:Hi. I only have one passion fruit vine and it gets covered with flowers but produces no fruit. It may be a hybrid of some sort. Every year the caterpillars almost eat it to the ground. I do not spray it because it always comes back and my yard is full of butterflies for about a month. Report It

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