Sunday, March 14, 2010

Flower garden/hedges/bushes? HELP!?

Okay so I'm trying to make my yard look great this summer. My back yard is going to have a deck, rock garden, and little pond for for gold fish. I plan on cutting two walnut trees completely down that are in my front yard right next to my house(one is already down) and replacing them with either some sort of evergreen or other tree. (Needs to be a smaller tree though). We tore out six really ugly, thorny bushes (I have a toddler and the thorns weren't a good idea) and I would like to replace them with a flower bed and a couple flowery, nice looking bushes or some hedges. I have most of my flowers picked out, but I need some help on deciding what kinds of bushes/hedges and what kind of tree to replace the two trees with. Any ideas? Thank you!
Flower garden/hedges/bushes? HELP!?
Lilacs, hydrangeas, and peonies are always a good investment. So are azaleas. Bradford pears or crape myrtles are a good tree choice...Bradford pears do get a little large but not as big as the walnuts crepe myrtles are an average size tree and both have blooms for added attraction. You can check out web pages for detail info on each tree or bush. Good luck!!
Reply:I totally agree with the above answer, great choices. One bush that is really pretty is Indian Hawthorne. They bloom beautiful pink blooms in the spring and are a great addition.puppy teeth

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